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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips for Detox: So, You're Thinking About A Body Detox Are You?

Before you just jump in and attempt to detox your body, there are some specific things you should consider.  The big question that you should ask yourself first is ‘why am I wanting to do this detox?’  Now, there are very good reasons to do a cleanse, but no reason should trump doing it safely.  So, before you even get started, you need to
Losing weight is just one reason that you may be interested in a body detox.
have a good answer to the question ‘why do one?’ in the first place.  If you think that you can just follow some way a friend mentioned, then you might want to read on.  Because of the shift in mindset toward more alternative and natural ways of health and well being, many people just like you are asking these same questions about colon cleanses and body detox programs.  Unfortunately, there are also people that are out to make a quick buck from the trend so you have to be cautious about how you go about getting your information.  Hopefully, as you browse our site, you can get some information that will help you learn how to detox with more care.
How Much Is There To Know About Cleaning Out Your Colon?
Much is out there in the way of colon cleansing products and herbal supplements to help you get the most out of your chosen plan.  If you know specifically what products you are looking for, that makes your online search much easier.  Colon cleansing products run a wide range of goals.  Some are for general detoxification of every day toxins like pollution and from what we put into our bodies through our diet.  Others claim to detox your body from heavier and longer-term toxins like drugs, agricultural residues and even heavy metals.  The heavy metal detox programs are for metals like lead and cadmium and are typically sold as ‘chelating products’.  Chelation is the term used in the professional field that relates to the removal of heavy metals from the blood and body tissues. It is usually done through intravenous (IV) type drips and requires continued sessions to fully cleanse your body.  The problem is that these will also leach other important minerals from your body and that is why it is recommended that you only do this type of process with medical supervision.  You don’t want calcium and other substances being leached from your bones do you?  Didn’t think so.  There are suppositories that offer claims of chelation as well.  They do actually have some merit to them, you just have to get the correct ones.
Answering The “How To Detox” Question Can Be Complicated
As you’ve been reading, there are many definitions of “body detox”.  This is why there is not one answer to the question.  What one person deems the ultimate detox turns out to be someone else’s lunch every day.  Then there is the problem of getting the wrong answers because you ran across someone’s rant online about  a particular supplement or program they hated and here’s why, blah blah blah.  Don’t get sucked into that.  Find the answer you are specifically looking for and move on.  There is precious little time for you to be wasting it reading on and on about someone’s colon health or some celebrities latest fasting drama.  Side note:  fasting and juicing can both be great steps as part of a healthy detox.  In fact, juice fasting for wellness is something that you can do for life.  You’ve found a site here that has good and reliable information about how to detox your body.  Hopefully, the general range of information guides you toward your ultimate path of a cleaning body and a cleaner life.

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