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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips for Detox: Colon Hydrotherapy Can Help You Detox Your Body

What you may not know about the level of toxins that you are exposed to each and every day might frighten or anger you.  Each day, you and I are exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals and pollution from the air we breathe to the water, food and soil conditions in which our food is grown.  We are faced with more and higher concentrations of toxic substances today than ever before.  Because of the nature of these chemical agents and toxins, they are not always listed on the products that we buy or consume, so there really is no way to tell exactly what and in what concentration they are getting into our body.
One thing is for sure, we spend millions of dollars on treating and dealing with health problems that are most likely related to this increased toxic load whether directly or indirectly.  Who knows exactly what types of cancers, autoimmune diseases, neurotoxicity problems and other hormonal dysfunctions are due to such agents?  Well, there is something that you can do to at least mitigate the potential of these things accumulating in your body and stagnating.  You can detox your body.   Toxins are not good for us in any concentration.  We have simply been guided to believe or understand that if the levels are below some threshold that has been set, then we should be fine.  Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want any more than zero toxins in my children’s bodies or my own.
It is understandable that we should know at what level these toxins cause obvious signs and symptoms of disease or problems, but it shouldn’t take that much for us to change the way we see taking care of our internal cells, tissues and organs.  Modern medicine has come a long way, but it still can’t compete with your body’s own natural detoxification process.  There are several organs that function as your body’s cleansing organs.  They are your liver, kidneys, lymph system, lungs, skin and colon.

Colon Cleaning And Function
This is an illustration of your large intestine.
The colon is the last several feet of your digestive tract that is used by the body to absorb water, nutrients, electrolytes and prepare waste for elimination.  Part of this waste material is toxins that have been processed by your body for elimination through your feces.  A colon cleanse, combined with specific detox diets and proper organic food choices can go a long way toward putting you back on the road to optimum health.  This is not medical advice, it’s just common sense.  If your colon is stagnating and not moving waste through your body as it once did, then it will cause you physical health problems or challenges at some point.  Does this necessarily mean that you are destined for colon cancer or some other horrible disease, who knows.  There is no definitive answer on what causes any diseases.  While there is continuous research aimed at finding genetic markers and the like, clinicians still know that food choices as well as environmental factors still play a major role in determining overall health.
Colon hydrotherapy is the term given for the procedure whereby a licenses and skilled professional colon hydrotherapist uses water to gently flush your colon.  It is more thorough and complete than an enema.  This procedure washes and cleans your whole colon and facilitates the detoxifying your body greatly needs.  Colonics cleanse the colon by helping to break down toxic excrement so it can be more easily eliminated.  In some senses, the cleansing helps to rejuvenate your colon.  The gentle flushing of your colon also stimulates the muscles of your colon walls to stretch and contract.  This gentle movement is what the muscles do ordinarily to move waste through your bowels.  So, this is like a massage for your colon.  The addition of this extra volume of water into your colon also allows your body the opportunity to absorb more of what it needs to keep you fully hydrated.  This will assist your overall cellular hydration and body function.  All in all, colon hyrdotherapy is a wonderful addition to a body detox program.

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