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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips for Detox: So, You're Thinking About A Body Detox Are You?

Detox Your Body Without The Yo-Yo Effect
It is a very common phenomenon. You can avoid it by choosing to eat a more vegetable based diet as a routine.
That previously mentioned flaw to diets, the snap-back effect – it’s a common problem for many people not only trying to lose weight but even those learning how to detox.  You’ve probably experienced it yourself if you are looking to lose weight with your detox.  The smart way to detox your body is to go about it like any pursuit that is worthwhile, commit to it.  Some detox diets are only for a brief 2-3 day period.  We’d call this more of a quick fast or fasting cleanse, but you’ll see it as a detox in places too.  Most sources will recommend at least a 10 day time period to plan for your detox program.  This is ample time to allow your body to go through its natural process of elimination, followed by further cleansing and more elimination.  Combined with the suggested fruits, vegetables, supplementation to support your cleanse and adequate hydration and you will be in good shape.  Great shape even, in no time!  As you learn how to detox this way, you’ll be much better about your body’s ability to be more alive, vibrant and full of life.
So, rather than trying to be the hare and finish a brief episode of colon cleansing and then race on to your next diet, give yourself some time to be the turtle and ultimately win for your health.

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