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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Holistic Cleansing: A Complete Guide to Superior Nutrition, Weight Control, Optimum Health & Wellbeing

There's no greater gift than the gift of health and wellbeing. 'Holistic Cleansing: A Complete Guide to Superior Nutrition, Weight Control, Optimum Health & Wellbeing' is out and full of amazing information on the many ways in which you can cleanse and reclaim your youth from the inside out!



Whether you’re looking to change your eating habits, make a smooth transition into a more plant-based diet, bring your body back to perfect health, lower your stress level, increase your focus and concentration, enhance your fitness level, or simply lose weight, this step-by-step guide can take you there!
A healthy and balanced diet and an effective exercise program are instrumental in attaining objectives of lasting health and well-being. Still, external factors can easily compromise that delicate balance. Over time, stress and environmental factors build up toxins and weaken our immune system, leading to a general lack of energy and dis-ease in the body. A holistic cleanse and beneficial lifestyle changes can help you turn that around.
This manual offers simple and practical tools to help you regain control over your health and well-being. Filled with accessible information on holistic body detoxification, superior nutrition, intelligent exercising, and on how to implement a comprehensive awareness program (breathing, meditation, and other conscious living practices) into your daily life, it supports all objectives directed at better living.
A truly versatile methodology, you pick and choose the elements you want to integrate based on your own personal circumstances and goals, and add more as you continue to grow on the wellness path. In the same manner, you may also use this program as a cleanse or only implement the most useful components into new daily healthy habits.
This book is perfect for anyone who wants to take their health and well-being to the next level. Novices and wellness experts alike will enjoy its simplicity and depth of knowledge. Read it and empower yourself to enjoy endless benefits and achieve your highest potential in life!

Children Yoga: Complete Guide for parents, teachers, and educators

This is a great book for those of you who have children and want ideas of yoga games, exercises, and practices as well as breathing and meditation techniques to help children with focus, concentration, and stress release! It's never too early to learn... Better grades, improved relationship between siblings and with parents... what else can you ask for?
For those of you who are teachers or educators, you will find lots of ideas to integrate into your existing curriculum to help your students increase their performance and feel more peaceful and content. 
The Yoga teachers will find great tools to improve their teaching skills geared towards a young audience. This is a complete manual which will serve as training material for Yoga Alliance's approved Children for Yoga curriculum for those of you who want to become RCYT (Registered Children Yoga Teacher).

See Synopsis for the book below.

Find it below at: 

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Book Synopsis

This is the most complete book ever written on the subject of Yoga for Children. It is presently the most comprehensive training manual available to students who want to attend a 200 hour training and become Registered Children Yoga Teacher (RCYT) with the Yoga Alliance. Existing Yoga teachers will find great tools to improve their teaching skills geared towards a younger audience. This is also a great book for families who have children and want to find ideas of yoga games, exercises, and practices as well as breathing and meditation techniques to help their children with focus, concentration, and stress release! It's never too early to learn... Better grades, improved relationship between siblings and with parents... what else can you ask for? Teachers and educators will find lots of ideas to integrate into their existing curriculum to help their students with stress-management, performance and self-confidence. 

The concept for Cool Yoga Kids was born in September 2010 out of the heartfelt desire to create a better education and growing environment for children. Alessandrina Lerner's determination and philanthropic vision was simply to enhance the quality of life of all children. Cool Kids Yoga was originally established with children in public schools in mind with the simple objective of delivering highly effective Yoga programs geared towards restoring balance, health and calm in our children. Having personally experienced the tremendous benefits of Yoga, Breathing & Meditation, Alessandrina was convinced that in order to achieve a harmonious balance in our often over-stressed societies we needed to start at the source, i.e. with our children. Years of studies. research and first-hand experience with children and education had convinced her that a more balanced and holistic approach to Education is key to effecting permanent positive changes in our society and environment. Unlike any other discipline, Yoga integrates all the dimensions of our beings - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and as such it is clear that it is the missing link in our children's education. In that knowledge, it is our duty as parents and educators to make sure that Yoga is integrated into their daily life, whether at home or at school as part of their curriculum, so that they may reach their highest potential in life. From this concept emerged the idea to begin a Children Yoga Training Curriculum not only geared towards Yoga Teachers but to also include others who could integrate their new skills into their everyday interaction with children. Since children are more likely to spend time with their teachers, family and parents than to visit a private yoga studio, it made sense to design a more extensive Children Yoga Training Program and to make it available not only to Yoga teachers but also to parents, family members, educators, as well as people in the medical profession. This would ensure that the knowledge and skills required to achieve the primary objectives of Cool Kids Yoga - improving and enriching children's lives - are disseminated into a greater population and touch the lives of as many children as possible. Our role as mentors, educators and examples is crucial to make this possible. By gifting children the skills necessary to achieve a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle, we are providing them with the most important and useful tools, i.e. ones that can help them grow into healthy, self-sufficient, and successful adults who can then effect society positively through their actions over the long term. The Cool Kids Yoga teaching program incorporates creative, interactive and fun-filled activities that provide our children with the physical exercise they need for their bodies to develop properly and with highly effective techniques to help their mind and spirit grow and expand beyond perceived limitations.  The program offers an explorative approach to understanding children psychology and a teaching methodology tailored to the different age groups that correspond to various developmental stages in children.
The Cool Kids Yoga training program provides yoga teachers, educators, and parents alike with myriads of techniques and ideas that integrate poses, games, themes, songs, props, stories, breathing & relaxation exercises, etc. to enable YOU to introduce children to the wonderful world of Yoga. Play is known to be the most effective and beneficial way to learn for both facilitators and recipients. With Cool Kids Yoga you'll be given the opportunity to rekindle with your inner child and to make sure that our children never lose that innocence and creative power which has always been at the root of the most amazing inventions, discoveries, scientific and artistic achievements throughout the ages

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Many Faces of Kangen Water: Save lots of money, Move towards a Healthier and Greener Lifestyle!

The Many Faces of Kangen Water: Save lots of money, 
Move towards a Healthier and Greener Lifestyle!

Please contact me for more information and check out the cost comparison analysis* that shows the substantial cost savings you'll be making by switching to Kangen water! ((*) available on my Facebook group page (Healthy Water Kangen Water) or by email upon request.)

Healthy Kangen Water® is More Than Just Drinking Water!
You already know that pure, clean Kangen Water® is perfect for everyday drinking and detoxifying the body. But did you know that Enagic® machines contain an incredible water filtration device that also produces 5 different types of water that can be used for eco-friendly and natural personal care and cleaning? Imagine being able to keep both your body and your home safe and clean completely naturally? That's exactly what you can do now with any model from the Enagic product line!
The Enagic® water filtration systems allow you to control the pH level of the water they produce, giving you unlimited options for personal, home and laundry care. Aside from the great value and the significant cost savings you gain, it also allows you to create a completely eco-friendly home, which appeals to health and environment conscious individuals and is particularly desirable for families and pet owners. To learn more about the different types of water produced through Enagic machines and their individual uses, read below.

Strong Kangen Water: Powerful Cleaner (*Not for drinking*)
This type of water has a pH of 11.0. It is ideal for cleaning produce, dishes, cutting boards, and grime in and around your kitchen - without the use of harmful chemicals. It's even great for getting rid of tough stains on surfaces like countertops and tile.

Kangen Water®: Perfect for Drinking and Healthy Cooking
With a pH of 8.5-9.5, this type of water is perfect for drinking and cooking. Kangen Water® is also great for gardening. Its alkaline pH properties work to provide optimal hydration. Unlike the process of reverse osmosis, the unique filtering process preserves the natural minerals your body needs to remain health and give Kangen Water® the greatest taste!

Clean Water: Only for Drinking!
Strictly for drinking, this healthy water has a pH of 7.0. Unlike regular tap water, it contains no cloudiness or harmful chemicals. Therefore, it lands itself to this safe preparation of baby foods or for the optimal administration of medication.

Acidic Water: Gentle Toning and Beauty Water
This slightly acidic water has a pH of 4.0-6.0. It acts as a natural astringent, which makes it wonderful for gentle cleaning and beauty care. Use this water to wash your face and hair any time you need. You can also use it in the rinse cycle of your laundry or when preparing food for freezing.

Strong Acidic Water: Great for All-Purpose Cleaning (*Not for drinking*)
This water has a pH of 2.5, which has excellent cleaning properties. Strong Acidic Water can be used to clean household surfaces and remove pesticides, dirt and other impurities from foods. It also works as a convenient hand sanitizer.

With all the uses you get from your Enagic produced water, you'll never have to buy household cleaners or expensive beauty care products again! Alkaline Ionized Enagic® Water Machines provide you with a greener and cheaper alternative for most day-to-day household and beauty needs. Kangen Water® is the best all-in-one solution for your budget, your health, and the environment!
For more information, contact me at 786-308-9552 or email me at aleslerner@hotmail.com

Wednesday, December 14, 2011



In my last newsletter you discovered the myriad of benefits that Kangen Water offers, such as;
• Supports Alkalization and brings the body's pH into Perfect Balance
• Supports Optimal Health
• Maximizes Elimination and Waste Removal Functions
• Assists Full Body Detoxification
• Provides Anti-oxidants that neutralize free radicals' negative effects
• Slows down the Oxidation and Aging Processes
• Provides Optimal and Great Tasting Hydration
• Protects against Cancer and Life-threatening diseases & conditions
But did you know that it will help you save tons of money too?
With cost savings of over $4,000 yearly in drinking water only, you will be saving between $65,000 (*) and $85,000 (**) over the entire life of your water filtration system (*15 years, **20 years). Your initial investment will be amortized the very first year or within 2 years for the top of the line units.
And with the great and affordable financing plans offered by the Enagic corporation, even limited budgets can enjoy a pure source of water and its related cost savings without having to pay for it!
And that's not all, because Kangen Water has so many other uses than just drinking! Following are just a few of these:
• Food Preparation & Cleaning
• Cooking
• 'Green' toxic-free cleaning
• Personal Hygiene & Skincare
• Pet Care
• Plant Care
• etc.
So, now imagine how much more money you could actually be saving! It probably runs in the $10,000 range, or even more, yearly. That's over 1/3rd of future college costs for the kids, or 25% of the median U.S. salary that you could be spending on more enjoyable and pleasurable activities that enhance your quality of life! Take a quick look at the simple spreadsheet attached to this email.
For a full presentation of Kangen water machines, available financing plans, and a comprehensive cost savings analysis, please contact me directly by email at aleslerner@hotmail.com or by phone at 786-3089552.
Change your water, change your life!
Choose Healthy Kangen Water for everyday use!


Get healthy, feel great, and enjoy the holidays like never before! Get 20% off on E3Live products this holiday season! E3Live won the Best Superfood Award 2011. Try it today, at 20% off it's a bargain!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Living Water: What to Expect from Drinking Ionized Water. The Key to Health, Wellbeing and Longevity.

Living Water: What to Expect from Drinking Ionized Water
'The Key to Health, Wellbeing and Longevity'
by Dr. Robert F. McCauley, Sr.
Pasted Graphic.pdf
Following is a high level summary of Dr. Robert F. McCauley's essay on the main effects of ionized water consumption. Dr. Robert F. McCauley, Sr. holds a Master’s Degree in Civil/Sanitary Engineering and a Ph.D. from M.I.T. for his thesis on Removing Radioactive Strontium from water. He earned his doctorate in Environmental Engineering in less than 2 years, one of the shortest doctoral studies in the history of M.I.T. He taught civil, sanitary and environmental engineering at Michigan State University for 18 years before retiring to run Wolverine Engineers & Surveyors of Mason, one of the most respected and well-known engineering firms in mid-Michigan, for 17 years. Dr. McCauley is also credited with the invention and development of calcite coating for water main pipes, which keeps them from rusting.
For ease of understanding, the effects/ benefits of drinking ionized water have been grouped into categories as follows.
  • Detoxifying
  • Hydrating
  • Alkalizing
  • Oxygenating
  • Anti-oxydizing
A poor diet consisting of mainly cooked foods over a long period of time results in malnutrition, i.e. the inability for the body to absorb the necessary vitamins and minerals required to life. Aside from the nutritional deficiencies, our intestines also become congested with partially digested, putrefying foods, drugs and other toxins that never found their way out of the body. They swell to many times their original size with only a pencil-size opening for feces to pass through. In time, this results in poor health and many diseases. Congested intestines and blockages in the intestines' lining wall result in nutritional malabsorption. The small water molecules clusters in Ionized Water make it a powerful cleanser of the digestive tract. Unlike other nutrients, the small water molecules are able to penetrate the mucoid plaque attached to the intestinal lining helping to remove it and then to further cleanse and hydrate it so that nutrients can pass into the blood with greater ease. This results in assimilation of nutrients and cellular rejuvenation. The thorough cleansing of the digestive tract also results in an increased frequency of urination and elimination. This slows down as your body becomes accustomed to drinking Ionized Water. The process of detoxification which naturally and effortlessly takes place when consuming ionized water is extremely beneficial to one's health and well-being. Many other benefits result from the consumption of ionized water. Following are some of these key benefits classified by category.
Detoxifying Effects
  • Flushes out the digestive tract, which is the best place for detoxification to start
  • Significantly improves your state of health (through the cleansing action alone)
  • Improves cellular nutrition/ absorption of nutrients (which requires a clean digestive tract)
  • Improves the effectiveness of digestive enzymes for optimum nutritional absorption through the blood stream and other body parts (which again requires a clean digestive tract)
  • Enhances cellular rejuvenation due to improved nutrition and elimination functions
  • Enhances elimination functions with increased frequency of urination and bowel movement which supports the healthy removal of waste material.

Hydrating Effects

  • Increases sensitivity to the need to hydrate (i.e. you feel when you are dehydrated.)
  • Improves health and staves off disease (through optimum hydration)
  • Enhances the quality of our blood (through a perfect balance of water and salt which keeps our blood neither too thin or too thick.)
  • Prevents salt retention and high blood pressure
  • Ensures optimal functioning and health of all organs, especially the kidneys* which are strengthened through regular use (contrary to the popular misconception that drinking too much water can overtax them.)
  • Greatly increases the sensation of thirst in the beginning as the body adjusts to proper hydration and makes up for prior imbalances. 
  • Teaches the body to know real 'thirst' and to satisfy that essential need.
*People with weak kidneys (resulting from a cooked-food diet) should drink weak Ionized Water (8.0 pH) to start with and then increase the pH level slightly each day. When provided with real nutrients from raw foods and sufficient amount of quality water, weak kidneys strengthen and become healthy once again. 

Alkalizing Effects
  • Reduces the body’s acidity level by balancing the body’s overall pH, leading to improved health and the disappearance of illness and disease.
  • Continues to increase the body's overall pH over time**, as years of acid waste accumulation throughout the entire body (joints, organs, brain, etc.) slowly get eliminated from the body. 

**The process will be highly accelerated if you complement drinking ionized alkaline water with a healthy diet.

Oxygenating Effects


  • Increases blood oxygen and energy levels (through regular and consistent consumption of ionized water)
  • Sharpens alertness as brain functioning increases when highly oxygenated
  • Provides an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to the body for optimal cellular functioning (oxygen is a nutrient that can become saturated in the blood but cannot be stored in the body)
  • Provides optimal oxygenation of the water - and ultimately to the body - when using fresh, flowing water from the tap.
  • Maximizes the distribution of other nutrients throughout the entire body (through the oxygen)
  • Kills bacteria, viruses and even cancer cells (which cannot live in a highly oxygenated environment)
  • Provides a more suitable environment for us to evolve and thrive in (human beings evolved in a more oxygenated environment with the atmosphere containing as much as 30% more oxygen than it does today.)

Anti-oxidizing Effects
  • Provides an extremely potent and highly absorbable antioxidant that carries an extra electron*** (Hydroxyl ion (OH-)) and enables for the delivery of more oxygen to the body
  • Promotes rejuvenation of each bodily system at a cellular level (as ionized alkaline water bathes the interior of the body in a negatively charged liquid (ORP) in the same way that fresh raw foods does)
  • Lowers and slows down the oxidation process within the body (The lower the negative ORP, the better it is for the body; the higher the positive ORP, the worse it is****) 
  • Reverses our body's ORP from the positive to the negative, lowering our body's oxidation which already naturally takes place through free radicals
  • Reverses the aging process at the cellular level through optimal cellular functioning. 

***The extra electron carried by the oxygen molecule - called a free radical scavenger, attaches to a free radical, which then becomes an additional stable oxygen molecule.
****On average, chlorinated city water has a positive +700 ORP. It is oxidized and as such is oxidizing too and should therefore not be consumed.
The effects of drinking ionized water vary slightly based on multiple factors such as body toxicity level, past and current diet, water consumption, exercise regimen, stress level, personal outlook on life, past and present medication. Nonetheless, everyone benefits from drinking ionized alkaline water and feels the immediate health-giving effects and benefits that derive from it..

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Children Yoga: Complete Guide The Most Complete Methodology to Teaching Yoga to Children of All Ages

Children Yoga: Complete Guide
 The Most Complete Methodology to Teaching Yoga to Children of All Ages

The Cool Kids Yoga training program manual provides yoga teachers, educators, and parents alike with myriads of techniques and ideas that integrate poses, games, themes, songs, props, stories, breathing & relaxation exercises, etc. to enable YOU to introduce children to the wonderful world of Yoga.  Play is known to be the most effective and beneficial way to learn for both facilitators and recipients. With Cool Kids Yoga you'll be given the opportunity to rekindle with your inner child and to make sure that our children never lose that innocence and creative power which has always been at the root of the most amazing inventions, discoveries, scientific and artistic achievements throughout the ages.  This is most definitely the most complete Children Yoga manual you'll ever find!

 The concept for Cool Yoga Kids was born in September 2010 out of the heartfelt desire to create a better education and growing environment for children. Alessandrina Lerner's determination and philanthropic vision was simply to enhance the quality of life of all children. 
 Cool Yoga Kids was originally established with children in public schools in mind with the simple objective of delivering highly effective Yoga programs geared towards restoring balance, health and calm in our children.  
 Having personally experienced the tremendous benefits of Yoga, Breathing & Meditation, Alessandrina was convinced that in order to achieve a harmonious balance in our often over-stressed societies we needed to start at the source, i.e. with our children. Years of studies. research and first-hand experience with children and education had convinced her that a more balanced and holistic approach to Education is key to effecting permanent positive changes in our society and environment.
 Unlike any other discipline, Yoga integrates all the dimensions of our beings - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and as such it is clear that it is the missing link in our children's education. In that knowledge, it is our duty as parents and educators to make sure that Yoga is integrated into their daily life, whether at home or at school as part of their curriculum, so that they may reach their highest potential in life.
 From this concept emerged the idea to begin a Children Yoga Training Curriculum not only geared towards Yoga Teachers but to also include others who could integrate their new skills into their everyday interaction with children. Since children are more likely to spend time with their teachers, family and parents than to visit a private yoga studio, it made sense to design a more extensive Children Yoga Training Program and to make it available not only to Yoga teachers but also to parents, family members, educators, as well as people in the medical profession.  This would ensure that the knowledge and skills required to achieve the primary objectives of Cool Yoga Kids - improving and enriching children's lives - are disseminated into a greater population and touch the lives of as many children as possible.  
 Our role as mentors, educators and examples is crucial to make this possible.  By gifting children the skills necessary to achieve a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle, we are providing them with the most important and useful tools,  i.e. ones that can help them grow into healthy, self-sufficient, and successful adults who can then effect society positively through their actions over the long term. 
 The Cool Yoga Kids teaching program incorporates creative, interactive and fun-filled activities that provide our children with the physical exercise they need for their bodies to develop properly and with highly effective techniques to help their mind and spirit grow and expand beyond perceived limitations.  The program offers an explorative approach to understanding children psychology and a teaching methodology tailored to the different age groups that correspond to various developmental stages in children.
 The Cool Yoga Kids training program provides yoga teachers, educators, and parents alike with myriads of techniques and ideas that integrate poses, games, themes, songs, props, stories, breathing & relaxation exercises, etc. to enable YOU to introduce children to the wonderful world of Yoga.  Play is known to be the most effective and beneficial way to learn for both facilitators and recipients. With Cool Yoga Kids you'll be given the opportunity to rekindle with your inner child and to make sure that our children never lose that innocence and creative power which has always been at the root of the most amazing inventions, discoveries, scientific and artistic achievements throughout the ages.
 The Cool Yoga Kids training program provides yoga teachers, educators, and parents alike with myriads of techniques and ideas that integrate poses, games, themes, songs, props, stories, breathing & relaxation exercises, etc. to enable YOU to introduce children to the wonderful world of Yoga. This manual is by far the most complete and methodology available to teach yoga to children of all ages.

Author's Bio
Alessandrina was born and raised in Paris, France. At just 22, she obtained her MBA in International Finance & Strategic Marketing with merits from France's leading School of Economics & Business Management, Universitė Paris Dauphine. She also holds a BS in Economic & Political Sciences obtained with merits from the same Ivy League university. She lived across 4 continents, traveling to over 55 countries in 7 years while pursuing a career in International Finance for leading financial institutions, including Citicorp, Visa International, and American Express. She resigned her position as the Director of Corporate Audit in 2000 after she gave birth to her little girl, Amandine Love Lerner. 
In 2001, Alessandrina became the disciple of Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati, best known as Swami Ji, Director of the Institute for Holistic Yoga, an Ashram associated with the Satyananda Tradition of Yoga from the lineage of Swami Sivananda Saraswati. There, she trained and practiced one on one under the expert guidance of Swami Ji for a few months in the science of Kriya Yoga and Meditation. Two years after completing her internship, Alessandrina was initiated into Surat Shabd Yoga, the science of Light & Sound Meditation by Saddhu Ram Ji, a Saint from the lineage of Maharaj Sawan Singh. For the next few years, Alessandrina used her experience mainly to grow her personal practice as well as teach adults privately and children in Montessori and Charter schools.
In mid 2010, Alessandrina decided to widen her horizons and acquire new skills in the yogic field. She completed a Yoga Teacher's Training in Power  Vinyasa, Pre-Natal, and Children Yoga at Miami Yogashala. There, she taught as a Yoga Teacher for a few months and helped as a faculty to facilitate a 200-h Yoga Teacher's Training before focusing her energy exclusively to the development and management of her newly formed company, The South Beach Detox.  She re-vamped the entire program, designed the full website, and has been single-handedly managing all marketing and distribution efforts.  In late 2010, Alessandrina also received her Level 1 Reiki Certification.
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