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Wednesday, December 14, 2011



In my last newsletter you discovered the myriad of benefits that Kangen Water offers, such as;
• Supports Alkalization and brings the body's pH into Perfect Balance
• Supports Optimal Health
• Maximizes Elimination and Waste Removal Functions
• Assists Full Body Detoxification
• Provides Anti-oxidants that neutralize free radicals' negative effects
• Slows down the Oxidation and Aging Processes
• Provides Optimal and Great Tasting Hydration
• Protects against Cancer and Life-threatening diseases & conditions
But did you know that it will help you save tons of money too?
With cost savings of over $4,000 yearly in drinking water only, you will be saving between $65,000 (*) and $85,000 (**) over the entire life of your water filtration system (*15 years, **20 years). Your initial investment will be amortized the very first year or within 2 years for the top of the line units.
And with the great and affordable financing plans offered by the Enagic corporation, even limited budgets can enjoy a pure source of water and its related cost savings without having to pay for it!
And that's not all, because Kangen Water has so many other uses than just drinking! Following are just a few of these:
• Food Preparation & Cleaning
• Cooking
• 'Green' toxic-free cleaning
• Personal Hygiene & Skincare
• Pet Care
• Plant Care
• etc.
So, now imagine how much more money you could actually be saving! It probably runs in the $10,000 range, or even more, yearly. That's over 1/3rd of future college costs for the kids, or 25% of the median U.S. salary that you could be spending on more enjoyable and pleasurable activities that enhance your quality of life! Take a quick look at the simple spreadsheet attached to this email.
For a full presentation of Kangen water machines, available financing plans, and a comprehensive cost savings analysis, please contact me directly by email at aleslerner@hotmail.com or by phone at 786-3089552.
Change your water, change your life!
Choose Healthy Kangen Water for everyday use!

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