We've found the fountain of eternal youth... It's called E3Live! Try it for yourself!

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Monday, January 24, 2011

SoBe Bliss in a bottle... Why travel thousands of miles to find what has always been here!

SoBe Bliss in a bottle... Why travel thousands of miles to find what has always been here!

Check out what The South Beach Detox could do for you on YouTube.

The South Beach Detox: The most powerful full body cleanse ever!
For more information, check out our upcoming website:
And our new book on The South Beach Detox

For more info on The South Beach Detox, watch:

Check our Specials here, or on Yelp at:

Holidays Promotion

Get ready for the holidays and treat yourself to a full body cleansing from $99 only! Looking for a real gift to share this holiday season? Buy any "South Beach Detox" package, get the second one half price*! (*must be done together for the 50% off to apply).

Referral Promotion

Tell your friends about our fabulous cleansing packages, get 10%! Powerful cleansing products, yoga & meditation, 3 easy steps to a new you!

The South Beach Detox... Just 4 short days to a new YOU! Peel the layers, shed the pounds, find your center! Recreate yourself inside and out with The South Beach Detox. Visit us soon at www.thesouthbeachdetox.com

Success Stories: The Key To Success Is Within Everybody's Reach

Success Stories: The Key To Success Is Within Everybody's Reach

The greatest success in life is not measured by fame or wealth but rather by the state of happiness and contentment you experience throughout life's ups and downs. And so a most accurate instrument of measure when it comes to success is the number of times you smile a day...
And since smiling is free and effortless and reaching, that state of 'well' being is within everybody's reach...
All you need is to discover the fountain of eternal youth, the one that will have you enjoying life day after day no matter what the circumstances... Now to some, that may seem like empty rhetoric but far from it because happiness is truly found in the simplest pleasures and the ability to enjoy the smallest, seemingly insignificant moments. All it takes, really, is a little change in perspective and the courage to dive below the surface to find out the essence of who you've always been... pure, eternal bliss!
That is exactly what The South Beach Detox - the most powerful full body and mind cleansing program, sets out to help you discover... and within a few days, this feeling of lightness and carefreeness is yours to experience and replicate any time that you choose to. But if you're still a little doubtful about what you view as empty promises, read below for Success Stories of those who have tried it and come out transformed...

Famous U.K. Heart FM DJ Neil Fox, London, U.K. 
"It changed the way I think about food"
“The program worked for me and has changed the way I think about food.”
Julio L., Business Professional, Key Biscayne, FL
"The Way To A Calmier, Happier, And Balanced Life. Truly Amazing!"  
"Just finished the four day South Beach Detox and I can say that it has been a great experience. The combination of carefully selected meditations, mantras, yoga practice and Alessandrina's guidance is truly amazing. You will not only feel physically lighter but also at an emotional level after shedding toxins and negative emotions trapped inside of you.  At no point in time during the detox do you really feel hungry, just continue taking the E3 products and your body will stay in balance. I highly recommend the program for anyone who is searching for a calmer, happier and balanced life."
Teresa, Humanitarian Worker
"South Beach Detox High Five!"
I came to Miami hoping to find a place where I could do a good detox as I was suffering from digestive issues that were affecting my overall health and well being. I found the information about the South Beach Detox on the internet and having read information about other detox programmes this was the one that convinced me. The healthy and holistic approach to the detox - drinking E3Live to help cleanse and feel energised (and being allowed some fruit or smoothies, yeah), combined with yoga and meditation - assured me that this was a trustable programme.
The first couple of days - especially the second day - were the challenging days as I often do "stress / emotional eating". By the 3rd and 4th day I was feeling better and had the energy to do the detox, walk for hours and do power yoga!  Once I finished the detox, I realized that I was much less prone to overating or running to french fries (my biggest sin) every time I seem them. Bad food and excessive food do indeed harm you and your body and I want a healthy live and body! I also learned to eat only when I am actually hungry - not stressed or angry, hungry. That hole in the stomach is most often thirst or nerves... not hunger.
Alessandrina (and Almandine :-D) supported me through the process and her coaching was important for me to realize that it was normal how I felt through the detox. Not only toxins leave your body; you will also be digesting emotions that you may pack in your belly. It was great having someone to talk to when I needed and who understood well the process. I am thankful to Aless for sharing the detox with me and taking me through it.
I feel lighter, more energised and, yes, happier! :-) I will keep it up, being kind to myself when I deviate from the path a bit, like Alessandra said. The most important is to love oneself. Then, it will work for you as well, for sure! Highly recommended.

Pablo Lucero, Paralegal and dedicated Yoga practitioner, South Beach, FL
"Life Giving Back To Life!"
"I had done several different types of Detox before trying The South Beach Detox but had never done a detox that offers such a comprehensive approach to a full body cleanse.  The E3 Live products provided what other detox don’t, and that is life energy, enzymes and the proper vitamins necessary to support such a powerful process.  The South Beach Detox is very cleansing, natural and organic.  Along with the meditations and yoga practice it is a full mental, physical and spiritual cleansing.  The clarity that is attained through the detox is really amazing.  I felt as if I can touch and see the space between my eyes and an object (if that makes any sense).  The senses are really enhanced, the focus and concentration (especially with the yoga practice) are really deeply improved too.  My goals and purpose were manifested in full intention, which was really surprising, but not shocking.   Also, the emotional detox was intense. I felt old patterns and/or old hidden emotions arise and I dealt with them as they happened, this was very liberating.  
Personally, I like to purchase a package (not just a product), I do my research, and when I know the product is good, I buy it, however, it is the ENTIRE experience that matters to me the most. The human touch, the eye contact, the handling of the product, the service provided, the professionalism and human to human interaction is most important to me.  Alessandrina from The South Beach Detox team took the time to explain to me the benefits and to follow up during and after my detox, and she is living example of this product and how it works.  It was all handled in harmony and peace.. and that is why I consider it to be superior detox..  If I had to isolate what I liked the most about The South Beach Detox, it would have to be the clarity that I gained during the detox, the fact that my body smiles at me and is grateful for me having given it this opportunity.  The South Beach Detox is life giving back to life, being part of earth and giving back to earth by respecting our natural essence and natural God intention.  I'd recommend it to anybody who wants to get the most out of a detox.  Namaste"
Sara D. Landry, Middle School Teacher & Yoga Teacher, Miami, FL
"Simple And Easy Yet Life-changing!"
"I recently did the South Beach Detox and was surprised at how simple and easy it was to complete. In fact, I had originally only planned to do it for four days, but I felt so great that I continued for six days. I work as a middle school teacher, so I was concerned that I would be grumpy and mean to my students, but it was just the opposite: I felt lighter and better equipped to deal with their quibbles and questions. I had energy to accomplish so much more during my days! Coming off of the cleanse, I am so aware of portion size and more conscious of my choices in what I consume. I feel much more focused and in tune with myself. I already got my supplies to do it another time around. I know this detox is a life-changing deal and I am so content to embrace it. Many thanks to all who have had a part in creating, distributing and teaching about the fabulous opportunity to create positive change from the inside out!"
Roxanne, MBA, Fort Lauderdale, FL
"Absolutely Fabulous!"
“The South Beach Detox program has changed the way I think about food. Before, I thought food had to be animal-based to be food. But I learned that there are so many other ways to receive nutrition without sacrificing animals. Also, the products used in the detox are fabulous, in terms of the way they make you feel and how much stronger I feel when I take them. When I miss taking them I can feel the difference in my body – I feel tired and weaker.”

A year full of new beginnings awaits you...

A year full of new beginnings awaits you...


2011... Time For New Beginnings! Let us take you there! www.thesouthbeachdetox.com

SoBe Bliss at an unbeatable price!

The South Beach Detox is the first holistic body detoxification program that offers a home-based option.

Whether you're looking to lower your stress level, change your eating habits, bring your body back to perfect health, increase your focus and concentration, deepen your Yoga practice, or simply lose weight, The South Beach Detox® is all you need!

Watch this short presentation of The South Beach Detox and come and visit us atwww.thesouthbeachdetox.com for more.

SoBe Bliss in a bottle... Why travel thousands of miles to find what has always been here!

Check out what The South Beach Detox could do for you on YouTube.

The South Beach Detox: The most powerful full body cleanse ever!
For more information, check out our upcoming website:
And our new book on The South Beach Detox

For more info on The South Beach Detox, watch:

Check our Specials here, or on Yelp at:

Holidays Promotion

Get ready for the holidays and treat yourself to a full body cleansing from $99 only! Looking for a real gift to share this holiday season? Buy any "South Beach Detox" package, get the second one half price*! (*must be done together for the 50% off to apply).

Referral Promotion

Tell your friends about our fabulous cleansing packages, get 10%! Powerful cleansing products, yoga & meditation, 3 easy steps to a new you!

The South Beach Detox... Just 4 short days to a new YOU! Peel the layers, shed the pounds, find your center! Recreate yourself inside and out with The South Beach Detox. Visit us soon at www.thesouthbeachdetox.com

SoBe Bliss in a bottle... Lose weight, balance both body and mind and find your own personal peace!

SoBe Bliss in a bottle... Lose weight, balance both body and mind and find your own personal peace!


SoBe Bliss in a bottle... Why travel thousands of miles to find what has always been here!

Check out what The South Beach Detox could do for you on YouTube.

The South Beach Detox: The most powerful full body cleanse ever!



For more information, check out our upcoming website:


And our new book on The South Beach Detox


For more info on The South Beach Detox, watch:


Check our Specials here, or on Yelp at:


Holidays Promotion

Get ready for the holidays and treat yourself to a full body cleansing from $99 only! Looking for a real gift to share this holiday season? Buy any "South Beach Detox" package, get the second one half price*! (*must be done together for the 50% off to apply).

Referral Promotion

Tell your friends about our fabulous cleansing packages, get 10%! Powerful cleansing products, yoga & meditation, 3 easy steps to a new you!

The South Beach Detox... Just 4 short days to a new YOU! Peel the layers, shed the pounds, find your center! Recreate yourself inside and out with The South Beach Detox. Visit us soon at www.thesouthbeachdetox.com

Don't miss this opportunity to recreate yourself inside out!

SoBe Bliss at an unbeatable price!


There is something deeper than the overall feeling of well being. It is so powerful, it even goes beyond looking and feeling great all the time. The South Beach Detox Team invites you to experience it for yourself and get a taste of the fruit of blissful living.

The Virtual Packages for The South Beach Detox are absolutely revolutionary and yet very affordable. Read the details in the press release below and forward this to anyone in your life you want to help, but don't forget the most important person to help is always yourself!

The South Beach Detox

Whether you are looking to lose weight, de-stress, rejuvenate or get a deeper experience of yourself, The South Beach Detox is all you need!

With our new comprehensive line of packages starting at only $99, virtual, local in-studio, or private, you're bound to find exactly what fits your need and pleases your budget too.

To Register call or email Alessandrina Lerner, Director of The South Beach Detox®, South Beach and Brickell, at 786-308-9552 or aleslerner@hotmail.com.

Could it Really Be True: Only Four Days to a Healthier, Lighter, Happier You without Surgery, Harmful Drugs or Deprivation?

The revolutionary South Beach Detox®, a four-day program of Yoga, Meditation and nutrient-rich, all natural supplements, brings proven weight loss, peace of mind and flexibility to people of all ages and all walks of life.

Miami, FL (November, 3, 2010) - With the plethora of dieting products and programs out there, it's not surprising that most people would be distrustful of any program that claims to bring weight loss, improved health and peace of mind in four short days. But that's exactly what the revolutionary South Beach Detox® does.

The South Beach Detox® is a ground-breaking program that combines the benefits of Yoga and Meditation with the amazing health benefits of E3Live® products, a combination of super digestive Enzymes, superior Probiotics and nutrient-rich Greens put together to support this highly innovative detox program. And if that wasn't enough, participants are guided one-on-one by locally renowned Yoga Master and owner of Miami Yogashala, Fred Busch, and Alessandrina Lerner, director of The South Beach Detox® programs at Miami Yogashala.

Busch and Lerner have been coaching individuals through The South Beach Detox® in the U.S., South America, and Europe for almost a year and are now preparing for the imminent launch of the virtual South Beach Detox®, a home-based version of the detox program which combines the same powerful elements but can be done in the comfort of the client's home and for about a third of the price, making this high-end detox extremely attractive to all in a time of limited budgets!

Benefits of The South Beach Detox® include increased energy, weight loss, strengthening of the immune system, regular bowel movements, mental clarity and, last but not least, personal transformation. Users also report a better understanding of nutrition and thus a better relationship with food. Roxanne, a business woman in Fort Lauderdale, reports, "The South Beach Detox® program has changed the way I think about food... The products used in the detox are fabulous, in terms of the way they make me feel, like how much stronger I feel when I take them."

E3Live® has been touted by health professionals and users alike. Dr. Baxter Montgomery of the Houston Cardiac Association uses E3Live in his disease reversal program specifically with cardiac disease and diabetes, and describes his own use of E3Live® in the following terms, "Within a few days of starting to drink E3Live® our team noticed a leap in our stamina during workouts, an incredible boost in mental clarity and focus and a decrease in appetite."

The benefits of Yoga and Meditation have been proven across the world for thousands of years now and the benefits of E3Live® have been confirmed by medical and health experts across the country. By combining both of these and having your own personal "coach" to help guide you, a brand new start to a healthier, more peaceful and happier you is just four days away!

For more information visit: http://www.miamiyoga.com/detox.html. or

Any statements and claims related to the South Beach Detox® and E3Live® have not been evaluated by the Food Drug Administration or any other federal health agencies.

About Miami Yogashala
Miami Yogashala, located in Miami Beach, is a holistic Yoga studio directed by renowned yogi Fred Busch. Miami Yogashala offers over 40 classes per week as well as Teacher Training Certification courses and the highly celebrated South Beach Detox® program. In an effort to bring Yoga and its benefits to inner city youth, Miami Yogashala will also be embarking on efforts to teach Yoga in public schools and train youth to teach Yoga to their peers. More information about Miami Yogashala and its next Teacher Certification course which begins Janurary 8, 2011 can be found at www.miamiyoga.com


“The South Beach Detox: “A cure for Anorexia?”
“A South Beach Yoga Studio develops a detox program that could hold the key to cure millions of young sufferers, mostly females, of Anorexia.”

While The South Beach Detox was not originally developed with curing Anorexia in mind, it most definitely has the potential to do so.

The South Beach Detox is essentially a cleansing program which main objective is to bring both body and mind to a state of perfect balance, ultimately promoting health, mental stability and vitality. Through
the combination of a flawless nutritional approach, a highly effective yoga
sequence, and a supportive awareness meditation program, the recipients of The
South Beach Detox experience a powerful personal transformation that melts away all conditioned
responses and unhealthy habits embedded in their old personality, leaving space
to create the New.

“The synergetic effects of the components of The South Beach Detoxnormal""> literally propel you to the next level of performance on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels!”, says Yoga Master, Fred Busch, creator of The South
Beach Detox, who enthusiastically adds, “It’s not just that you’re feeding your body
with the most perfect food on Earth, creating the perfect balance between
exercise and rest according to your body’s needs, or that you are aware of the
state of perfect bliss you access when you really listen and heed your body’s inner
intelligence, it’s that you’re doing it all together!yes""> And, that doing it all together is what transforms you into
this powerhouse of endless energy and equanimity.yes""> Anybody who has experienced the magical metamorphosis of The
South Detox bears witness that it partakes
of the principles of Alchemy!”

Because The South Beach Detox integrates all the elements necessary to “re-create” a person from scratch – i.e. at the cellular level, it is most suited for people suffering from conditions resulting from deeply-rooted complexes and mental impressions that
may already have crystallized themselves, not just on the mental but also the
physical level of their being, such as in the case of Anorexia.

Ranked #1 Superfood by renowned health authorities, the E3Live supplements, which form the foundation of The South Beach Detox,
represent the highest quality food we can bring to our body. This, of course, constitutes one of the
fundamental benefits of The South Beach Detox when it comes to Anorexia. Because in such extreme cases the body is so severely
undernourished, or even often starved, bringing it a perfect food like E3Live immediately restores its
vital balance. Appeased, the body
is now able to relax and allow the remainder of the miracle to start
unfolding. The combination of a
healthy exercise plan and a perfectly orchestrated “spiritual awakening” program
dissolves any trace of resistance, leading to a full surrender where the
recipients start to truly respond to their nutritional needs at the cellular
level. Soon, the appetite increases,
but because the food intake is intelligent and healthy, the weight gain takes
place at a very slow pace, which proves much more manageable psychologically in
the case of Anorexia. Finally, the
obsessive preoccupation with body weight, food intake, and excessive exercising
disappears and, free of fear, the sufferers of Anorexia are able to start
moving towards their natural body weight without a second thought.

Alessandrina Lerner, a recovering Anorexic, who participated in The South Beach Detox and was so enthralled by the results that she is now working with Fred Busch to disseminate the program says, “I
struggled with Anorexia for over 20 years, bouncing from Therapists to Recovery
Programs, AA Meetings to various Support Groups without success, then I
attended the Yoga Teacher’s training with Fred Busch.yes""> Through an intelligent and balanced approach to nutrition,
exercise/ rest, and a deep awareness of the processes involved in my unhealthy
eating habits, I soon found myself empowered to change all my habits and put an
end to the vicious cycle I had fallen victim to.yes""> As I watched in awe the personal transformation occurring
within my body and mind, soon emerged the butterfly that had been trapped in
its cocoon for so long. Thanks to
The South Beach Detox®, I am finally free of Anorexia, I am moving towards a
healthy body weight and I’ve never felt so good inside both my body and my mind.”

How ironic that what could possibly be the cure for Anorexia would be conceived in the heart of South Beach, renowned headquarters for the Modeling industry, a sector long plagued by the disease, and where it may most likely
continue to develop if industry standards don’t change.

Regardless of whether or not it is the miracle cure so many sufferers of Anorexia have been waiting for, it is without a doubt the most wholesome and effective detox program anyone could ever hope for!

For more information on The South Beach Detox (in relation to Anorexia, or not), please contact aleslerner@hotmail.com or visit us @ www.miamiyoga.com/detox.html
or http://letloverule.us/letloverule/Experience_Personal_Transformation.html

Coming soon, our new website www.thesouthbeachdetox.com

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle: 'Placebos Work Even When Patients Aren't Fooled'

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle: 'Placebos Work Even When Patients Aren't Fooled'
Dr. Weil's Daily Tip, December 22, 2010

The result of this recent study is significant in outlining the importance of psychological factors in healing. If the very act of taking a pill ritualistically and bringing attention to one's health and healing in the process generates benefits that are comparable to taking a "real" remedy, that says a lot about the power of the mind to heal our body.  For more, read the short article by Dr. Weil below. 

Placebos - pills that have no active ingredients - are used in scientific studies as controls, and investigations are often designed so that neither patients nor doctors know who is getting the fake and who is getting the real drug. Placebos are effective about one-third of the time anyway because patients expect to feel better when given what they think is medication. Now a study has found that they can work even when patients know they're getting a blank instead of a bullet. Here, 80 individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were divided into two groups. The first received no treatment; the second were given what were described as "sugar pills" to take twice a day for three weeks. At that point, 59 percent of the patients who used the placebos reported "adequate symptom relief" compared to 35 percent of those who had no treatment. The researchers said that the improvement was "roughly equivalent to the effects of the most powerful IBS medications" and suggested that performing the "medical ritual" of taking pills may be of significant benefit and needs more study. The results were published in the journal PLoS ONE on Dec. 22, 2010.

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle: 'Pollution May Promote Dementia'

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle: 'Pollution May Promote Dementia'
Dr. Weil's Daily Tip, December 20, 2010

Pollution is known to negatively affect the central nervous system. A recent study shows that mental capacities may be reduced as a result.  More research needs to be conducted but this finding follows common sense which concludes that pollution is bad for us on many levels.  For more, read the short article from Dr. Weil below.  

In this recent study, a doubling of exposure to black carbon - a pollutant associated with engine exhaust - was associated with lower than expected scores on a screening test for dementia. The investigation included 680 men, whose average age was 71. The same Boston-area men also had lower composite scores on six other cognitive function tests. We know that particles from pollutants generated by traffic can cause oxidative stress and adversely affect the central nervous system. The differences in mental capacities seen in the study were similar to those normally seen in men nearly two years older. While the study doesn't prove that pollution caused the deficits seen, the researchers noted that particles found in diesel exhaust are small enough to pass through the air-blood barriers of the lung, enter circulation and travel to various body tissues, including the brain, where they can cause neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. The researchers said that their findings require confirmation by further research. The study was published online Dec. 20, 2010 in Environmental Health Perspectives.

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle: 'Vitamin D + Exercise = Fewer Falls"

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle: 'Vitamin D + Exercise = Fewer Falls"
Dr. Weil's Daily Tip, January 6, 2011

Vitamin D intake and regular exercise have  been identified as main factors in the prevention of falls in seniors.  Falls for seniors are often the beginning of a series of health complication, loss of independence, and have been related to premature deaths.  For more, read the article by Dr. Weil below.

That's the conclusion from a review of 54 studies that included data from more than 26,000 seniors. Investigators from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force analyzed the studies in an effort to determine the best recommendations primary care physicians could make to patients age 65 and older in order to prevent falls. The injuries from these accidents are the greatest cause of death, disability and loss of independence among seniors. The incidence of falls has been rising in recent years, due in part to the increasing number of older adults in the population. The review found that taking vitamin D, with or without calcium, cut the risk of falling by an average of 17 percent. In half of the studies reviewed, the daily doses of vitamin D were greater than 800 international units. The researchers also found that exercise reduced the risk of falls by 13 percent. This benefit was seen whether the activity involved was designed to improve balance, strength and flexibility or was weight training or aerobic exercise such as walking. The review was published in the Dec. 21, 2010 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

My take? As you may know, I recommend that everyone take 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily, not only because it helps strengthen bones, which may prevent or slow the progression of osteoporosis, but also because it helps boost the immune system and protects against a number of serious diseases. Exercise is also key to maintaining optimum health in general, and to preventing falls in particular. In addition to aerobic activity, resistance training and exercises to increase flexibility and balance, I also highly recommend tai chi, a gentle form of movement training that has been shown to reduce risk of injury from falls among seniors.

Food & Nutrition: 'Americans Say Their Diet Is Healthy, but Is It?'

Food & Nutrition: 'Americans Say Their Diet Is Healthy, but Is It?'
WebMD Health News
By Denise Mann
Reviewed By Laura J. Martin, MD
January 4, 2011

The belief we may have about being healthy eaters seem to be a rampant misconception amongst Americans as a recent WebMD survey revealed.  For more about the biased perception of eating healthy when many of the food we actually eat are not, read below.  For more on how to achieve a healthy and balanced diet, visit us at www.thesouthbeachdetox.com
Survey Suggests Eating Habits Don’t Match the Belief of Most Americans That Their Diet Is Healthy.

Jan. 4, 2011 -- Close to 90% of Americans say they eat a healthy diet, but their penchant for sugary foods and drinks suggests otherwise.
A new Consumer Reports Health telephone poll of 1,234 adults showed that 52.6% of respondents said their diet was “somewhat healthy,” 31.5% thought their diet was “very” healthy, and 5.6% said they were “extremely” healthy eaters.
But 43% of them said they drank at least one sugary soda or sugar-sweetened coffee or tea drink per day, and around one-quarter
said they limit the amount of sweets and fat they get each day.
'These not-so-healthy eating habits may sabotage their diets and their waistlines', says Nancy Metcalf, the senior program editor for Consumer Reports Health in Yonkers, N.Y.
“Drinking your calories is a really bad idea,” she says.”If you have to drink or eat something sweet, drink a diet soda or eat a piece of fruit,” she says.
The poll also showed that Americans rarely, if ever, count their calories, and just 13% weigh themselves daily. As a result, it’s no surprise that 33% were off when they self-reported that they had a healthy weight when they actually had BMIs in the overweight or obese range, the new poll showed.
There may be a discrepancy between what people think is a healthy diet and what they actually eat, Metcalf says.
Her advice? “Write down everything you eat for a week, and look at it honestly and ask yourself, ‘Is this a healthy diet?’”
Still, Americans did exhibit some healthy eating habits.
Fully 78% said they ate breakfast daily. “Eating breakfast is associated with better weight control because your hunger never gets in front of you,” Metcalf says. Most people choose fruit, fruit juice, or cold cereal for breakfast, the new poll showed. Cheerios was the favorite breakfast cereal.

Most and Least Favorite Vegetables
As far as veggies go, one-third of participants said they eat five or more savings of fruit and vegetables every day. 

The most popular vegetables were:

lettuce or salad greens
potatoes (not sweet potatoes)

By contrast, the least popular vegetables were:

Swiss chard
bok choy
turnips and rutabagas
Nancy Metcalf, senior program editor, Consumer Reports Health, Yonkers,NY
Consumer Reports Health diet poll.

Americans Say Their Diet Is Healthy, but Is It.tiff

Monday, January 17, 2011

Food & Nutrition: 'Stevia FAQ: Questions and answers about stevia sweeteners.'

Food & Nutrition: 'Stevia FAQ: Questions and answers about stevia sweeteners.'
WebMD Feature
By Stephanie Watson
Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
September 17, 2010

Nothing can replace the natural sugar you get from natural, unprocessed fruits.  If you really need to add sugar to your food until your taste buds become more attuned to the delicious, health-giving natural sugars, you may want to turn to natural sugar derived from plants such as Stevia.  Just make sure they are not heavily processed along the way or else you'll be losing the benefits of choosing a natural alternative for sugar.  For more on the various choices of sugar substitute and how they compare, read below.

What is stevia?
Stevia rebaudiana is a shrub native to South America. Its leaves have been used there for centuries to sweeten beverages. It is also an approved food additive in other countries, including Japan, Brazil, and China.
In the U.S., stevia products were long sold as dietary supplements -- but not as a food additives or ingredients -- because of safety concerns. In 2008, the FDA stated that the use of a refined stevia preparation called Rebiana is "generally recognized as safe," and can be used as a food ingredient. Products include, Good & Sweet, PureVia, Reb A, SweetLeaf Stevia
Sweetener, Sun Crystals (which combines stevia and sugar), and Truvia.
Fresh stevia leaves can be found at many farmers markets. The FDA now also allows certain refined stevia preparations to be used in food and drinks.
What does it taste like?
Stevia-based sweeteners have zero calories, yet are as much as 200 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). Some products may have a bitter taste.
Are stevia sweeteners artificial?
"I think that the FDA didn’t require good-enough testing," Michael F. Jacobson, PhD, executive director of the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), says in an email to WebMD. "That said, [Rebiana] is probably safe.”
In April 2010, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced that studies showed no risk of toxicity from highly purified stevia sweeteners. The CSPI still argues that more testing of these products is warranted.

Can stevia sweeteners be used in baking?
Yes, they can. Many product web sites have conversion charts to help.

How does stevia compare with other sugar substitutes?
Here is an overview of various sugar substitutes, including stevia.

What is it: Two amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine; and methanol. Brand names are Equal and NutraSweet.
How it's used: Equal tabletop sweetener, diet soft drinks such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, some sugar-free desserts,including gelatin desserts, yogurt, and puddings.
Advantages: Tastes similar to sugar. Enhances sweet flavors, especially fruit flavors.
Drawbacks: Should not be consumed by people with phenylketonuria (PKU). Controversy continues about whether aspartame is linked to increased cancer rates. Government agencies say it is safe. A recent study from an Italian cancer institute found more lymphomas and leukemia in rats fed very large amounts of aspartame. The CSPI recommends avoiding it.

What is it: Benzoic sulfinide.
How it's used: Sweet'N Low tabletop sweetener, Tab diet cola, salad dressings, baked goods, canned fruit.
Advantages: Less expensive than other artificial sweeteners. Stable at high temperatures, so can be used for baking. Passes through the body unaltered.
Drawbacks: After studies in the early 1970s linked saccharin consumption to bladder cancer in rats, all food containing saccharin was required to carry a warning label. But studies in humans showed no consistent evidence that saccharin causes bladder cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. The warning label is no longer required. The CSPI advises avoiding saccharin because of studies that link it to cancer in rodents.

Acesulfame-K, or Ace-K
What is it: Acetoacetic acid and the mineral potassium.
How it's used: Usually in gums, confections, cough drops, and carbonated and alcoholic beverages, often in combination with another sweetener. Also sold as Sunett or Sweet One.
Advantages: Extends shelf life of diet drinks. Can be used for cooking and baking. Not metabolized or absorbed by the body.
Drawbacks: Government health agencies say it is safe. The CSPI advises avoiding it and has asked the FDA to require more tests. Can taste bitter on its own; better tasting when blended with other sweeteners.

What is it: A sugar molecule chemically altered by replacing three hydroxyl groups with three atoms of chlorine.
How it's used: Splenda tabletop sweetener and baking products. Also in yogurt, fruit juices, ice cream, dairy products, some diet beverages, and flavored waters, sometimes combined with Ace-K.
Advantages: Consumer groups have not raised the safety concerns with sucralose that they have with other sweeteners. Can be used in baked goods more readily than other artificial sweeteners. No effect on blood sugar levels.
Drawbacks: Although better suited for baking than other artificial sweeteners, it's still not a perfect substitute for sugar.

What is it: A derivative of a combination of two amino acids: aspartic acid and phenylalanine.
How it's used: Sweetener and flavor enhancer for other ingredients, such as mint. In some store-brand juices and gums.
Advantages: More stable than aspartame, meaning a better fit for baked goods. Although it shares some ingredients with aspartame, neotame has not prompted the same safety concerns with consumer groups. It does not carry a warning label for people with PKU.
Drawbacks: Rarely used.

What is it: Extract from the stevia plant.
How it's used: Dietary supplement and tabletop sweetener.
Advantages: Less is more. Stevia is much sweeter than sugar, so less is needed. It is an option for people with diabetes as it does not affect blood sugar levels.
Drawbacks: Some extracts have a bitter taste. It is billed as "natural," but technically is processed.

News release, European Food Safety Authority.
Michael F. Jacobson, PhD, executive director, Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Constance Brown-Riggs, MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN, national spokeswoman, American Dietetic
Association, nutritionist, Massapequa, N.Y.


The benefits of Fitness & Physical Exercise: 'Fit and Healthy Men: Wellness Tips From the Pros'

The benefits of Fitness & Physical Exercise: 'Fit and Healthy Men: Wellness Tips From the Pros'
WebMD Feature
By Stephanie Watson
Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
December 17, 2010

The secret to building strong and healthy muscles lies in eating a healthy and balanced diet. While as a vegan, I would not recommend the use of animal protein and would sooner replace it with a healthy vegetarian alternative such as soybeans, beans, almonds and large doses of the 'fountain of youth and strength' E3Live, I support switching to lean protein sources and command the balanced plan NFL athletes follow. I'd most definitely stay away from all protein shakes and powder, simply because the level of concentration is so high that it creates huge residues and waste material that are then stored in unduly places.So if it's high doses of healthy protein you are in need of, be sure to click on the E3link above this article so you may find out more about it.  For more about the NFL diet of choice and its health and fitness benefits, be sure to read the article below.

Eat to Lose Weight and Build Muscle: How the NFL Does It

NFL players work out hard, both on the field and in the gym. But for them, training is only part of the equation. They also need to eat right. "If you're only doing one, you might not get the body you want, and you might increase your risk of injury," says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN, director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and team sports dietitian for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
"Diet is very important to me as a player," Cincinnati Bengals safety Chris Crocker wrote in an email. "High protein is my main focus, while incorporating a higher level of carbs the night before the game."
Contrary to popular belief, eating everything in sight isn't a plus in the NFL. Having an unhealthy body weight will only slow you down and make you more sluggish and susceptible to injury, says Barry Rubin, head strength and conditioning coach for the Philadelphia Eagles. "You can't outrun your calories," he says. "If you start doing that, you're going to get hurt. You're going to over-train."
If you want to get in shape like an NFL pro, you need to eat like an NFL pro, and that means getting enough protein and the right balance of nutrients in your diet.

Go Pro…tein
There's a reason pro athletes won't go anywhere without their protein. It's an essential ingredient in every cell of the body, including the muscles.
During a workout, your body goes into a catabolic state, where it's breaking down muscle.
Once you're done lifting, you want to put it back into an anabolic state, where it's building muscle again. "It's so important post-workout to get something in your body to start that anabolic phase," says Rob Livingstone, MS, CSCS, SCCC, a strength and conditioning professional in Norcross, Ga., who has trained many pro athletes.
Bonci says 'the goal with eating protein is to optimize performance and build lean muscle mass. Ideally you want to get in a serving of protein both before and after a workout', she says.
When you eat your protein, don't take it solo. "You've got to have some carbohydrates," Livingstone says. "There's got to be some sugar in that protein to increase the absorption."
Carbs not only help your body grow muscle, but they also provide you with
fuel for your workout.

Lean, Not Bulk
During the season, former Tennessee Titan defensive tackle Torrie Griffin was burning so many calories on the field that he had to down upwards of 8,000 calories daily just to maintain his 290-pound playing weight. "That is, I would say, a standard portion for some of the guys," he says. "I was one of those who had to work to keep the weight on."
Griffin, who is now a certified personal trainer and owner of TTrain Fitness Bootcamp in Atlanta, doesn't recommend the kind of diet he and his teammates ate to stay big. For breakfast, they'd down supersized restaurant portions of waffles, eggs, bacon, grits, and toast. At dinner, they'd pack in two burgers, mac and cheese, and fries. "In general for
the linemen, it was three very large meals," Griffin recalls. "I didn't really think about how much of the bad stuff or fat and calories were in the food when we ate out."
The only guys who need to be as huge as defensive linemen are defensive linemen. If you work a desk job and eat like a lineman, the only thing that's going to grow is your belly. Guys who work out but eat nothing but junk food will gain fat on top of their muscle and bulk up. "When you're talking about lean muscle mass, you've got to have a clean diet ... a balanced diet of protein and carbohydrates [with a] low level of fat, and lots of fruits and vegetables," Livingstone says.
For that, you're better off taking nutrition tips from the NFL players who keep their dietslighter, and cleaner.
Crocker only gets 3,000 to 3,500 calories on days when he trains. "As a free safety it is best for me to be lighter on my feet so I am able to get to the ball and get to the plays a lot quicker." He says he can cover the field faster when he's a pound or two lighter.
If you're working out three days a week, you can eat about 15 calories per pound of body weight, according to Bonci. Men who work out five days a week can up their calorie count to 20 per pound. That doesn't mean everyone gets a free pass to eat more than 3,000 calories a day, though. "The range of calories you require on a daily basis varies greatly, and is dependent upon your weight, your activity level, your age, and your muscle mass,"
Bonci says. "So one size does NOT fit all when it comes to determining your calorie cap!"

Your NFL Plate
For most NFL players, eating is a no-brainer. They've got nutritionists on staff, and during the season they eat three meals a day in the team's cafeteria. If you're not a pro, you need to do the meal planning yourself, but you can incorporate elements from the NFL diet.
There's really no big secret to eating like an NFL pro. It's all about balance.
Your plate should look like this:
One-third lean protein
One-third fruits and vegetables
One-third healthy carbs (whole-grain rice, pasta, or bread)
Crocker starts his day with a breakfast of turkey sausage and egg whites with tomatoes and spinach. Lunch is usually a grilled chicken sandwich with a mixed green salad, or sliced ham on wheat with applesauce. And dinner is lean protein -- chicken, pork, or beef -- with brown rice, steamed green beans, and a mixed green salad. If he's hungry between meals, he snacks on cereal bars or fresh fruit.
The bulk of your nutrition should come from what's on your plate, but if you're not getting enough vitamins and minerals from food alone, it's OK to take a daily supplement, Bonci says. Nutritional supplements can help you make up for what you're missing in your diet, but they shouldn't replace it.
"It's very important that the supplement remain a supplement," Livingstone says. "If supplements start to take over the diet, they're not doing their job." Supplements can't provide the same quality of vitamins and nutrients as whole foods like chicken, fruits, and vegetables.
Also, be wary of the specialized supplements marketed to athletes, because they're not always safe. Some supplements that are used to increase athletic performance have been linked to side effects like high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, and nausea.


Food & Nutrition: 'Obesity Linked to Lower Vitamin D Levels'

Food & Nutrition: 'Obesity Linked to Lower Vitamin D Levels'
By Salynn Boyles
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
December 17, 2010

While artificially supplementing vitamin D has not proven to be beneficial for overweight people looking to increase the level of vitamin D in their blood, excessive synthetic supplementation has been shown to have negative effects.  Therefore, the overweight population should seek other ways to remedy their vitamin D deficiency including of course losing weight.  The proven health benefits of vitamin D are many and we should all seek to keep adequate levels of this important vitamin which plays a role in calcium absorption and helps prevent bone-related diseases.  For more, read below.

Researchers Suggest Obese People May Need More Vitamin D in Their Diet

Dec. 17, 2010 -- 'New research adds to the evidence linking obesity with lower levels of vitamin D, and the finding could help explain why carrying extra pounds raises the risk for a wide range of diseases', researchers say.
The study suggests that people who are obese may be less able to convert vitamin D into its hormonally active form.
Researchers measured levels of vitamin D and its hormonally active form 1,25(OH)2D in almost 1,800 people being treated at a weight loss clinic in Norway.
Most of the people were overweight and 11% were considered morbidly obese, with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher.
'The more the study participants weighed, the lower their vitamin D levels tended to be', study researcher Zoya Lagunova, MD, of the Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical Center in Oslo, Norway, tells WebMD.
She says it makes sense that obesity is associated with lower vitamin D levels since vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin.
The study appears in the latest issue of the Journal of Nutrition.
“Much of the vitamin D produced in the skin or ingested is distributed in fat tissue,” she says. “So obese people may take inas much vitamin D from the sun, food, or supplements as people who are not obese, but their [blood] levels will tend to be lower.”
Amazing Vitamin D, Nutrition's Newest Star
'Vitamin D and Obesity'
Along with calcium, vitamin D has long been recognized as important for bone health. But in recent years studies have suggested that the vitamin plays a part in a host of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
'Perhaps not coincidentally, obesity is a known risk factor for many of these diseases', Lagunova says.
The researchers concluded that 1,25(OH)2D levels might be a better measure of vitamin D in obese people than circulating levels of the vitamin.
But Clifford J. Rosen, MD, of the Maine Medical Center Research Institute, is unconvinced.
Rosen tells WebMD that 1,25(OH)2D is more difficult and costly to measure and is not a very good indicator of vitamin D
He adds that 'while people who are obese do tend to have lower vitamin D levels, the clinical relevance of this is unclear'.
Lagunova and colleagues conclude that people who are obese may need more vitamin D in their diets or greater exposure to the sun than thinner people.
“Obese people may need more vitamin D to end up with the same levels as a person whose weight is normal,” Lagunova says.

Vitamin D: Too Much of a Good Thing?
'But it is far from clear if taking large doses of vitamin D in supplement form is beneficial or even safe, regardless of a person’s body weight', says Rosen.
An osteoporosis researcher, Rosen served on an expert panel that reviewed the vitamin D research and concluded that most people get enough of the vitamin without taking supplements.
The panel, convened by the independent health policy advisory group Institute of Medicine (IOM), published its findings late last month.
The IOM committee found the evidence suggesting a role for vitamin D supplementation in the prevention of non-bone related diseases to be inconclusive. It also warned that intake of vitamin D over 4,000 IU (international units) per day increases the risk for harm to the body.
Rosen says 'there was no suggestion that obese people needed extra vitamin D to maintain adequate levels'.
Rutgers University professor of nutritional sciences Sue A. Shapses, PhD, also served on the IOM panel. She calls the research suggesting a protective role for vitamin D against non-bone-related disease “compelling” but far from conclusive.
“We know that vitamin D deficiency is not good, but most people are not deficient,” she says. “And there are just too many unanswered questions to recommend that people take high doses of vitamin D in supplement form.”

Lagunova, Z. Journal of Nutrition, online edition, December 2010.
Zoya Lagunova, MD, department of radiation biology, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet Medical
Center, Oslo, Norway.
Clifford J. Rosen, MD, senior scientist, Maine Medical Center Research.
Sue A. Shapses, PhD, professor, department of nutritional sciences, Rutgers University.

Obesity Linked to Lower Vitamin D Levels.tiff