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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Preserving Your Energy and Grounding Yourself During A Time of Cleansing and Change

Preserving Your Energy and Grounding Yourself During A Time of Cleansing and Change

Preserving Your Energy and Grounding Yourself During A Time of Cleansing and Change: 'Why Use A Protective Stone During Your Detox?'

The time of detox is a very special time where your objective is to achieve deep inner peace and optimize your well-being. It is also a time when you heal yourself from physical, mental, and emotional trauma that may have been stored within your 'body' (in all its various dimensions). Because you may become extremely open, receptive, and vulnerable to outside energy during a time of detox, it's always a good idea to protect yourself against any negative energy - within yourself, from others, or even from modern apparatus that can transmit them. Hematite is a great, simple, and extremely affordable choice in order to help you achieve this objective of release and protection against energies that may negatively affect your health and well-being. The Hematite is a great stone to have not only during the time of detox but all the time so that you may protect yourself against the ongoing attacks of negative energy that often come along with fast-paced, aggressive modern lifestyles (city settings, workplace, abusive family, etc.) Please read below for more detailed information on Hematite and how to use it optimally. Consider getting a simple stone to keep by your side or a piece of jewelry made with hematite that you can wear easily for protection. Make sure that you repeatedly release the energy that may have built up in your stone through the various techniques provided below whenever you feel that it is necessary.

For more, visit http://crystal-cure.com (see Coupon deal below)

General Gemstone Details
Hematite is a metallic gray iron oxide mineral, and the same stone of a differing variety as specularite. Ancient Egyptians used it to stanch blood and promote the formation of blood cells. In the Middle Ages is was known as the "blood stone" due to the fact that the water used to polish it would turn red during the process, as if the stone were bleeding. Native American folklore states that war paint made from hematite will make one invincible in battle. People in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries wore hematite jewelry during mourning.
Scientists of the Mars Exploration Rover Project believe that deposits of hematite on Mars may help prove whether large amounts of liquid water ever flowed on Mars' surface. They say that where water was, life may have had a chance to thrive as well. Hematite is said to protect the wearer's vital energy and guarantee survival. Amulets of hematite have been found in nearly every pharaoh's tomb as a support in the afterlife.

Scientific Properties:
Hematite generally occurs as massive opaque material with a metallic luster, showing a blood red color when cut into thin slices. However, it can also occur as short, black rhombohedral crystals as well, and my have iridescent surfaces.
An imitation substance, hematine or hemalyke which closely resembles hematite, is made of stainless steel, chromium and nickel sulfides, these however are magnetic, while natural hematite is not. Most marcasite in today's market is facetted hematite. Actual marcasite tends to erode and dissolve from exposure to the air

Mystical Properties:
Hematite, besides it's association with the blood, has also been known to be called the stone for the mind. It brings with it grounding and calming which in turn creates mental organization and focus. It will assist in original thinking, logical thinking, and mathematics. Hematite decreases negativity and can help balance the mind - body - spirit connection, it draws negative energy away from you into itself. It's acts well as a stabilizing force. It is a good stone to have around when you are being bombarded with vibrations and energies of other crystals and stones.

Healing Properties:
Hematite is used for staunching blood as well as to stabilize the circulation of blood and combat venous hyperemia and embolism. Hematite stimulates iron absorption in the small intestine, which in turn improves oxygen supply to the body.
It can be in direct contact with the skin, but results in inflammation for some people, so test it carefully before using, and if inflammation should occur or worsen, discontinue contact immediately. Never wear a hematite near inflammations of any sort, as it can exacerbate them. Never discharge hematite in water. Placed among tumbled rock crystals hematite releases it's negative energy and at the same time becomes recharged with positive energy.

Magical Properties:
Energy: Projective Element: Fire Powers: Healing, grounding, divination. Hematite is a strange stone; heavy, solid ad silvery black. It's name alone leads to some mystery. Ancients called it Bloodstone, so references in the past are all relating to that name. Therefore magical information relating to this stone is scarce. Hematite is worn for grounding and stabilizing purposes and to focus the attention on the physical plane.

Associations: Saturn Not a Traditional Birthstone for any Month
Stone of Aries and Aquarius, but is assigned to Scorpio, whom it not only protects but also warns of danger by changing temperature.

Chakra Classification:
Hematite is particularly effective on the First, or Root/Base Chakra. but will also energize the "earth star" below the feet.

Where to purchase your Hematite and other healing gemstones and crystals:
Hematite has great healing properties and is a great gemstone to use both during your detox and any other time. There are many other gemstones and crystals which can provide you with protection or support during healing. Following is a great website where you can find gemstones and crystals both in their natural form or  integrated into beautiful jewelry and decoration pieces. You'll also get lots of information on stones and crystals there and the prices are extremely reasonable (by far, the very best I found while searching online.) For a 5% rebate, enter the coupon code 'detox' at check out and you'll get the discount on your full order. 

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