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Monday, November 14, 2011

Drinking Water Will Keep You Healthy and Vibrant... As Long As You Choose Pure, Clean Water

Drinking Water Will Keep You Healthy and Vibrant... As Long As You Choose Pure, Clean Water

Drinking water is the easiest, most effortless initiative you can take in order to remain healthy or bring your body back to health. Because of the critical role water plays in keeping your body, choose the water that you put into it with care and diligence. Choose Health, Vitality, and Longevity… Choose Kangen Water!

Why Drinking Water Will Keep You Healthy…

The 'Anatomy' of Water 
Water makes up more than 70% of the body; and that number surges to 95% in the brain. It is part of all bodily fluids and is vital to the proper function of all organ systems within the body. Over 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine unequivocally stated, 'You are what you eat', and by extension that includes water too. It is therefore obvious that the quality and purity of the water you drink is critical to your health and wellbeing. 
Facts on Water
Following are some other interesting facts about water that will help you understand the importance of drinking the purest, cleanest water available to you to enjoy a long and healthy life.
  • Two-thirds of Americans do not drink the recommended 8-10 glasses of water daily.
  • Continual loss of water from the body can slow down the metabolic rate by as much as 3%.
  • Over one-third of North Americans have suppressed their thirst mechanism to the point where it is often misinterpreted as hunger.
  • The number one reason for daytime sleepiness and low energy iswater loss.
  • By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost 1-3% of itstotal water amount, which can affect memory and the ability to concentrate.
  • Water naturally moisturizes the skin from the inside out, giving you afresh looking complexion and a beautiful glow.
  • Water naturally carries more substances than any other liquidfound on Earth, including vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
Dangers of Common Sources of Water
Drinking water is paramount to the body's healthy and optimal functioning.Chemical and organic sources of pollution have contaminated many of the common sources we rely on for drinking water. Nowadays, it is impossible to truly ascertain that the water originating from city water systems, wells or even natural springs does not contain harmful chemicals like chlorine, fluoride, pesticides and many more, all of which negatively our health and wellbeing.
Enjoy Healthy Water: Drink Kangen Water®
Unless you have access to a pure and reliable source of natural water, Alkaline and ionized Kangen Water® offers the best alternative to any other water. Clean and pure, great-tasting, and filled with the vitamins and minerals required for the body to thrive, its balanced (alkaline) pH also help keep the body healthy. By attaining optimal health through optimal hydration, you become more resilient to stress factors and other modern lifestyle habits that would otherwise negatively affect your heath and well-being. So, enjoy this alkaline water every day, and discover the advantages of smart and optimal hydration! Kangen Water® is THE better choice for a healthy and active body! What could be more important? After all, your body can always use more water (8-10 glasses a day is the recommended amount.)
Control The Quality of Your Water with Kangen Water®Systems
The Alkaline Ionized Kangen Water® Systems are compact and easy to install in any home or office. They will conveniently and with 100% guarantee transform your tap water into healthy, balanced water to support your lifestyle and wellness goals. There's a choice for every budget and great financing options available to all too.

For more information on how to get your Kangen Water® System TODAY, call me at 786-308-9552 or email me at aleslerner@hotmail.com.

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