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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips for Detox: Detox Your Mind, Detox Your Body

When it comes to learning how to detox your body, one of the most common mistakes it seems people make is forgetting to take their whole body into account.  We are all integrated and holistic beings with a physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual energy.  If any one or a combination of these aspects of “us” is out of balance or storing ‘toxins’ in various forms, then it affects the rest of the aspects of us.
So, for the sake of this article, let’s assume that you are wanting to do a body detox and lose some weight or cleanse your colon or what ever you have in mind for your physical cleansing aspect.  If you only focused on that one aspect of your detox, you would not get nearly the results you had hoped for.  For example, what people find is that when they are trying to lose weight with a detox diet, if there are other factors that are inhibiting their cleanse, the weight will not come off.  Then, what happens is you will end up blaming the supplements or the diet itself, when the real problem might be that you are not addressing other core toxic issues in one of these other aspects mentioned.
Addressing Your Mental Detox
Toxic emotional and mental thoughts are also a problem.
A big part of what keeps our bodies holding onto all sorts of toxins is that energetically we don’t know how to release them.  Your body is only the physical structure that is a manifestation or symbol of your emotional, mental and spiritual self.  What you are holding in those other areas will show up in your physical body.  So, in order to really do a thorough body cleanse, you will need to address these issues at some point.  It doesn’t have to mean a bunch of sessions with a therapist or counselor to address your past.  It may involve this if you think that this is an area you could use help with, but it need not.
The whole point is that you are one symbiotic and holistic body.  There are other factors at work than just your diet as a reason why you are accumulating toxins in your cells and tissues.  If your body is functioning at its optimum level, then much of this toxic debris and waste will be naturally flushed through your body’s natural elimination means.  This happens through your breathing (your lungs are a big source of toxic elimination), your sweat by way of exercise and through body elimination processes (urine and stools).  The only reason that your body may be more sluggish in eliminating a build-up of toxins in your colon is because one or all of these aspects of the body detox are not being fully addressed.

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