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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips for Detox: Detox Your Mind, Detox Your Body

If you are considering a detox, you probably have a specific reason in mind.  Maybe your goal is to lose some weight or just firm up a bit.  Some people do a detox for strictly health reasons and feel lighter and more clear mentally after they have done a colon cleanse.  Another popular reason to do a body detox is to simply remove the accumulation of toxins in one’s cells and tissues.  In other articles, we have discussed how many aspects of a detox are involved from diet to detoxing your mind.
The focus of this article is to address another component of the physical body aspect of detoxing, which is exercise.  You see, what you put into your physical body in the way of foods and drink or even medicines, pollution and commercial agricultural by-products is only one aspect of what needs to be addressed.  Sure, if you are constantly eating processed foods, soda/pop, and other refined food products then you have an obvious source of toxins entering your body.  If, on the other hand, you simply eat commercially grown fruits, vegetables and take some prescribed medication, you may not be aware that there are potential toxins accumulating in your body from that as well.  This is by no means a case for you to stop taking your medications to live on a water fast alone.  The point is that there are toxins that exist in our environment and are entering our bodies in a variety of ways.
What Type of Exercises Help With A Body Detox?
Running is great exercise to help with your body detox.
The key point to be made with exercise is that any is a good thing.  It doesn’t require an expensive or exclusive gym membership or fancy machine to get the kind of exercise necessary to detox your body.  Since one of the main forms of natural body detoxification is through your sweating, this is what you’ll need to produce more of.  So, exercise that causes your heart rate to increase and your body to heat up is what is most important.  However, you can also get a lot of benefit from having your breath rate increase as well.  It is really not possible, to any large degree, to have one without the other, it just deserves mentioning.  This is because your lungs are another natural source for detoxifying your body.  Cleansing breath and breathing is becoming a lot more common language.  It involves breathing in the nose deeply and out the mouth fully.  It can sound something like wind entering your nostrils and then a “haahhhhhhh” sound as you exhale.
There is no specific how to detox exercise book or manual.  You just need to use your body feedback as a rule.  Running, cycling and other traditional forms of cardiovascular exercise could be used for detox purposes, but you don’t need to really push yourself.  In another type of exercise, like yoga, specific poses and postures are known to have detoxing benefits for your colon and internal organs.  For example, postures that involve spinal twists, downward dog and legs up the wall are great yoga poses for detoxifying your body.  With all of the forms of exercise mentioned, it is critical that you are consuming adequate amounts of water that may be much more than you are used to.

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