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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Following yesterday's Top 10 Tips to keep colds and flus away this winter, here are a few easy tips to apply of you do get sick and wish to treat yourself holistically.

1. Continue consuming as many zinc-rich foods as possible. Refer to my blog from yesterday for more details. A natural Zinc spray is a great addition. Buy the one with echinacea and elderberry to both boost your immune system further and soothe your throat
2. Discontinue the use of ALL dairy products until all mucus - even simple sniffles, has disappeared. Even traditional doctors will tell you to cut out all dairy when sick!
3. Drink lots of water… The more you drink, the more you flush out impurities and germs
4. Drink lots of miso soup with lots of sea vegetables and mushrooms. Refer to my blog from yesterday for the best kinds to get.
5. Lots of greens and fruits are great too. Leafy greens are filled with vitamin C; so are coconut water, kiwis, and citrus fruits!
6. Drink freshly squeezed lemon juice or tea. This is also a great drink to have first thing in the morning to stimulate bowel movement and help the body get rid of bacteria and impurities stuck in the colon.
7. You can add a little honey to your lemon tea if it's too bitter for you or for your stomach. Honey is great for coating your throat and soothing it. It helps reduce coughing too.
8. If you don't like honey, licorice tea or licorice juice extract are great natural products to soothe your throat. 
9. If you suffer from high blood pressure, don't use licorice. instead, use slippery elm in little chewable tablet which will coat your throat instantly. You can buy them for less than $3 for about 30 tablets in any health food store and they have no added sugar.
10. Use raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to kill germs and break down the mucus. Drink at 3- 8 oz glasses of water with 1 teaspoon of ACV a day, before each meal. ACV is a widely recognized health tonic and has been used as a proven remedy for many common ailments, pains and aches for a very long time (Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine used it extensively to treat his patients.)
11. Remember to scrape your tongue a few times a day in order to remove the accumulation of bacteria there. See yesterday's blog for details.
12. Do 'Neti' to unclog or prevent the clogging of your nostrils. Removing bacteria and dried up mucus there will be extremely helpful. See yesterday's blog for details.
13. A great technique to help remove blockages in your nostrils is to set up a simple steam inhalation tent in your home. Using boiling water safely placed in a big salad bowl or in the original pot you used to boil it, stand or sit above the water (not too near so you don't burn your face) with a towel over your head so that you can keep the rising heat/ evaporating water in the little tent you have formed with your towel. In order to further enhance the effectiveness of steam inhalation, use aromatic herbs. Some traditional favorites are sage and eucalyptus, which can make the steam more soothing. These herbs are also antibacterial, and using aromatics in this manner can help reduce the chance of secondary bacterial infections that can follow viral respiratory conditions. You can add sage or eucalyptus to the boiling water by the whole leaf or as an essential oil - try a teaspoon of the oil, or a small handful of the leaves. Both are available at health food stores.
14. Gargle with sea salt - using about a teaspoon of natural sea salt per 8 oz of tepid water. You will find that after gargling, mucus and phlegm will naturally come up to the surface (throat) and you will feel the urge to spit it out.  Do it at least 3 times a day for about a minute at a time.
15, If your head fills like a 'big balloon' filled with water, use some cayenne pepper powder (preferably organic), either sprinkled in your food or as a 'tea'. The later is pretty harsh to take so adding it to a soup is probably a better option.
16. Act fast. If you pay attention to your body, you will notice that there are warning signals when you are about to get sick. First signs that you are getting sick include body aches and soreness, overall lethargy and the 'undeniable' itchiness at the back of your throat. If any of these signs are present, start following the tips outlined above and those from yesterday's blog.
17. And if you didn't act fast enough or if that just wasn't sufficient, use garlic and goldenseal root as natural antibiotics - a great alternative to chemical antibiotics usually prescribed that kill all the 'friendly' bacteria in our intestinal flora. 
18. Rest plenty, don't exercise - especially if you have fever, try to sweat out the toxins (saunas, hot baths, wrapping yourself in layers of clothes and blankets, etc.) eat less to redirect the energy normally used for digestion to healing and you will heal much faster!
19. Once you are better, consider detoxing your body and switching to a healthier diet so you may bring your body back to an alkaline state where it will remain free of dis-ease.

For more information on natural cures, remedies, healing, and detoxing, follow our daily blogs and visit us at www.thesouthbeachdetox.com

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