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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Flight the Flu Season before it 's even here! Immune System booster tips to live by!

Fall is upon us and Flu Season is approaching fast… Don't let it be another year where you spend days at time in bed fighting a bad cold or flu. Here are a few simple tips to get you ready for this change of season! 

1. Boost your immune system by eating lots of greens and fruits.
2. Drinking am Algae-based superfood such as E3live* will help provide you with the most complete source of natural vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy and alkaline. (go towww.thesouthbeachdetox.com for more information on E3Live)
3.Drink plenty of water to flush out all toxins from your body and keep the body healthy. Choose high quality water that are alkaline. Remember, an alkaline body (blood) cannot get sick! The best water around is most definitely Kangen.
4. Drink miso soup to which you can add a variety of great tasting, vitamin-packed sea vegetables (wakame, kombu, dulse, etc.).
5. Adding health-giving mushrooms such as shiitake, maitake, and reishi to your miso or other dishes is also a great way to keep the doctor away!
6. Zinc-rich foods such as wheat germ, sesame seeds and tahini, pumpkin and squash seeds, dried watermelon seeds, dark chocolate and cocoa butter, and peanuts are great to boost your immune system and get rid of a dawning cold before it takes over.
7. Keep away from dairy products which form mucus in the body. There are so many healthful alternatives to dairy these days that eating it just isn't worth the risks. Read The China Study if you are not yet convinced about the health risks associated with heavy consumption of dairy products.
8. Use a saline solution to cleanse your sinuses and remove dried up mucus and bacteria which accumulate in your nostrils. The yogic method known as Neti, which uses a neti pot, is most adapted and effective to attain the desired results. I will discuss Neti as part of another post.
9. Remove excess bacteria that accumulate on your tongue using a tongue scraper, or simply clean fingers. If your tongue has a thick deposit on it, then it means every time you eat you are actually swallowing back all the bacteria eliminated through your tonsils. A good indication that you need to scrape your tongue or may be sick is the color of your tongue. If it isn't pink, then it isn't healthy! I will also discuss tongue scrapping in another post.
10. Detox your body! A holistic body cleansing once or twice a year is the best thing you can do to boost your immunity and ensure that your body remains alkaline at all times… For more on ways and benefits of detoxing naturally, please visit www.thesouthbeachdetox.com

This abridged article is far from complete, but it's a good start to help you stay healthy as winter approaches!

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