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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips for Detox: How To Detox Your Body With Yoga

How to detox your body
Excerpts from Detox Blog
Following are various articles dedicated to detox in all its aspects.  They cover nutrition, health, exercise, and other dimensions of the detoxification process.

How yoga poses may affect your body’s natural detoxification process is simple to understand once we can come to an idea as to what is involved in the detox process itself first.  There are several processes and organ systems that your body uses to detox on a daily basis.  These systems were designed or created in your body to help you filter out what your body needs for nourishment and growth and eliminate the toxins and unnecessary waste products.
The organs and tissues that are involved in body detoxification are contained within three main systems in your body:  circulation, digestive and lymph.  As your blood flows and is pumped through your arteries and capillaries, it is constantly exchanging oxygen and other nutrients with your cells and tissues and taking back the waste by way of your veins.  This system keeps the flow of nutrient and waste in harmony within your body.  The veins then send the blood through your liver and ultimately is filtered again and the waste ends up leaving through urine or feces.  Your lymph system collects or drains the intracellular fluid where it can be dealt with by way of your immune cells and ultimately dumps into your veins for the final filtering just described.  Then, to follow with this body detox process, the digestive system then is necessary to absorb larger nutrients, electrolytes and water mainly through the colon and eliminate the rest through your bowels as feces.  You really couldn’t design a better “how to detox” program if you had to write it yourself.
How Yoga Poses Work With This Natural Detoxification Process
There are several ways in which we can assist our body in this toxin elimination process it goes through each day.  It isn’t that it doesn’t work, we just have very high demands for the modern way we live our lives.  Any assistance we
Spinal twists are great poses to assist with your body detoxification.
can provide our body with the detox process is that much better for our health and well-being.  Many types of exercise are great to assist your body with one main aspect of its natural detox mechanism which is breath.  Your lungs are a major organ responsible for a big part of the detox process.  The following are simply a few detox yoga poses that assist the major systems previously described.
First of all, consider the spinal twist.  It has many variations, consider Marichiyasana 3/Marichi’s Twist or Ardha Matsyendrasana as suitable asanas (poses/postures).  It is based upon the idea that the twisting motion, combined with full deep breaths, assists your body in gently squeezing and moving the toxins through your body – like gently squeezing and wringing out a sponge.  Photo Credits
A second pose is often referred to as a resting pose in many yoga fitness traditions.  It is called Adho Mukha Svanasana  (downward-facing dog).  This is a well-known pose by name and has many benefits.  One of the benefits as we are describing here is with circulation and lymph flow.  Also, by the nature of your position, it is also a gentle abdominal stretch and digestive aid.  Photo Credits
Finally, Viparita Karani, the pose that is easier to call legs-up-the-wall is a good one for detox purposes.  Again, by opposing gravity, the flow of circulation and lymph is enhanced.  Additionally, as you rest on your back, it soothes your nerves and allows your body to go into a parasympathetic mode rather than the daily fight or flight, stress response mode it may typically be in.  All three of these yoga poses for detox can be done in a sequence or practice that can be done daily.  The benefits of your yoga practice will also enhance your mental and emotional well-being, another important aspect to the detox process.

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