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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Food & Nutrition: 'Raw food, and how to keep our skin holistically healthy through what we put into our bodies'

Food & Nutrition: 'Raw food, and how to keep our skin holistically healthy through what we put into our bodies' 
'High on Health' Blog , January 6, 2011

There's nothing quite like juicing when it comes to supporting natural body detoxification. For more, read below for great insights from a raw and vegan chef specializing in nutrition research and counseling and get a great juice recipe full of health benefits which can be used while doing The South Beach Detox.

Lately I’ve been inspired back to juicing again after usually starting my day off with a smoothie of some kind (usually a green one). I’ve always known the benefits of juicing, but it has basically come down to a convenience factor until now. Cleaning the blender has been much easier than the juicer! Juicing can be a great way to boost your health by injecting an amazing amount of nutrients into your body that you may have otherwise not been able to sit down and gnaw on. For example, who really is going to sit down to a plate of 2 carrots, some cabbage, half a beet and an apple. You might, but you’ll be waiting a while to get through it all.
Also for ingredients such as carrots, the juice is way more beneficial than the vegetable itself, as the process of eating the carrot forces your digestion to do more work by separating the juice from the fibre and this is where most of the nutrients are lost. Drinking the juice ensures more of the nutrients are bioavailable at a cellular level. Here’s one juice recipe I’ve been enjoying quite a bit of late and the ingredients benefits:

Jammin’ Juice (Fresh Juice for Body Detoxification)


Ingredients (serves 2):
1/8 green cabbage
1/8 red cabbage
2 stalks of celery (include green leaves if available)
1/2 beetroot
1 green apple
1 carrot
1 whole lemon
1 inch ginger
Place all ingredients one at a time in your juicer. I always like to save the celery till last as the strings can end up clogging up the screen (I use a champion masticating juicer). Also try and alternate softer ingredients like cabbage leaves, with the firmer vegetables like carrots or beetroot as they will assist moving the softer veggies along. I always blend the finished product with some ice cubes briefly as I love my juice cold and it also helps to mix the foam through the juice.
Drinking your juice as close to making it is always preferable, as it begins oxidising as soon as it is made therefore diminishing the nutrient and enzyme content. However if you are short of time, you can always juice up to 3 days ahead of time, as long as you store the juice with absolutely no air in the container and glass containers are best. You can fill the juice right up to the top of a jar, cover with cling film then screw on the lid.
Also, try to drink your juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and do not consume any solids for at least an hour afterwards and even try and wait until you start to get hungry. This is because your body will utilise the juice much better without the added work of digestion.
Health benefits of the ingredients
Strong diuretic. Assists arthritis and rheumatism patients. Also beneficial for liver and gall bladder health issues, and will ease constipation. Can alleviate menstrual problems in women.
high in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron which makes it beneficial for those suffering from anaemia. Can reduce blood pressure within in hour of consuming in a healthy individual and is high in Vit B.
can delay onset of dementia or Alzheimer's disease, It also helps prevent liver and kidney disease, formation of uric acid and chronic colitis. Great detoxifier.
Even though carrots contain approximately 16% sugar, they have been proven to have less blood spiking effect than white potatoes or bread. Carrot juice is exactly what the body needs for blood alkalising (disease can only survive in an acidic body). An amazing ingredient for clear skin: prevents dry skin, treats psoriasis and other skin conditions. Other healths issues carrot juice assists with - cancer, eyesight, production and quality of breast milk in nursing mothers, high cholesterol & water retention.
used in skin care it is a natural antiseptic and will rejuvenate the skin, and can even remove blackheads. Known as a detoxifier, lemon acts as a blood purifier and body cleanser. Will treat heartburn, throat infections, nausea, and can even rid the body of parasites. Rich source of Vit C & B.
Blood purifier, great for regulating blood circulation, reduce nausea, useful for patients with gall stones, heartburn relief, cold and flu prevention and management, menstrual cramp relief.

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