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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Food & Nutrition: 'Is Your Coffee Making You Fat?'

Food & Nutrition: 'Is Your Coffee Making You Fat?' 
Dr. Weil's Daily Tips, January 30, 2011
Is Your Coffee Making You Fat.tiff
You may not be ready to give up the morning cup of coffee just yet.  No matter how unhealthy they may be, rituals are hard to break.  If that's the case but you still want to grow towards healthier and lighter habits, including cutting back on the volume of sugar and mucus-forming and fatt-filled dairy products. For more, read below.  For even healthier vegan alternative, visit our nutrition and recipes section online at www.thesouthbeachdetox.com

A cup of plain, black coffee has about 10 calories. But add milk, chocolate, whipped cream and other flavor enhancers and coffee-shop staples such as mocha lattes can contain more calories - and almost as much unhealthy fat - as a Big Mac. 
When you consider that many people have these drinks daily, the total calorie intake can add up quickly. If you are not ready to give up coffee just yet but want to steer away from the sugar-laden, whole-fat versions, try these simple steps: you'll still get the flavor, but with less fat and calories.
1. Ask for skim rather than whole milk.
2. Skip the chocolate sauce and instead opt for a small piece of high-quality dark chocolate on the side.
3. To enhance flavor without fat, add cinnamon (which may aid digestion), a dab of honey or a little sugar to a plain coffee.
4. Forgo the whipped cream.

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