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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Food & Nutrition: '4 Reasons To Eat Almonds'

Food & Nutrition: '4 Reasons To Eat Almonds' 
Dr. Weil's Weekend Tip, January 30, 2011

4 Reasons to Eat Almonds - Dr. Weil's Weekend Tip.tiff

Almonds, eaten in moderation, are a very healthy snack.  They are alkanizing to the body, keeping you healthy and free from disease.  They contain vitamins and minerals necessary to the body's proper functioning. For more, read below.

Some of the best snacks you can enjoy (in moderation) are nuts, and almonds in particular. The benefits are plentiful - almonds contain:
1. Monounsaturated fats that help reduce the risk of heart disease
2. Protein to provide sustained energy
3. Calcium for strong and healthy bones
4. Magnesium, which promotes normal blood pressure and healthy metabolism
I recommend unsalted or low-salt almonds that are raw or dry-roasted as a staple in your pantry. Toss almonds in a salad, cereal or yogurt; chop finely to use in a marinade or coat tofu "burgers"; or simply enjoy them on their own!
Other ways to eat almonds include vegetarian paté or stuffing for pears; almonds are versatile. 

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