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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips for Detox: Detox Instructions for The SoBe Detox® Yoga Sequence

Detox Instructions for The SoBe Detox® Yoga Sequence 
Extract from "The South Beach Detox" Manual
Following find specific instructions and techniques for use during yoga and meditation practice to support your detox. The use of visualization and breathing techniques during these practices will maximize the effectiveness of detox benefits.  Be sure to place special emphasis on the cleansing process occurring at the level of the internal organs throughout.  For more details, refer to 'The South Beach Detox' manual.

a. General Guidelines for Detoxification 
1- Set an Intention for your detox as part of your opening meditation
2 -Take your detox yoga sequence to the next level with deep, meaningful breathing for sensory withdrawal, circulation of energy and increased detoxification both on the mental and physical level.
3 - Use the power of visualization to enhance your detox yoga sequence, i.e. improving the quality and effectiveness of your breathing and intensifying the benefits of your slow, deep and long breathing.  
4 - Use the healing power of charged words/ mantras (such as Om) to optimize the cleansing of both body and mind

b. Specific poses to focus on the detoxification process
Though all poses that are included in The South Beach Detox® Yoga Sequence help the process of detoxification, several poses are particularly beneficial to the detoxification process.  Detailed detox instructions and benefits for each of these poses are included in 'The South Beach Detox' manual.  During all the following poses, be sure to emphasize your use of visualization and deep breathing which used together create a powerful combination that enhances the benefits gained when holding these poses:

Hero—Often used in meditation, this pose is excellent for elimination.  
Child’s Pose—Of particular value for its restorative but also eliminative qualities when held for longer periods of time.
Sun Salutations—Both Sun Salutations A & B are extremely useful for general elimination and energy flow.  
Squat—Especially useful for the opening it provides on the physical level which mirrors itself on the mental level.
Lizard—Particularly useful for opening and release on the mental level of your detox
Twisting Triangle - A superior detoxifying pose.
Superhero/ Locust Series—Though not specifically detoxifying in themselves, with the right breathing and visualization, these poses have powerful detoxifying effects.
Peacock—As a "destroyer of disease", it is one of the most powerful detox poses.  
Hurdler—Useful for detoxification of internal organs.
Head-to-Knee—Particularly effective for the detoxification of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
Seated Spinal Twist—As with all twist, this seated twist is very beneficial for detoxifying the whole body. 
Pigeon— This pose plays a central role detox and release on the emotional level of your being.
Reclined Twist—Another easy yet extremely useful twist in the detoxification process. 
Shoulder Stand—A wonderful and safe inversion (even for beginners) that helps the detoxification process by regulating the endocrine system.
Fish—Another "destroyer of disease" providing superior detoxification to the body.
Relaxation—The most important pose of all, where the benefits of the whole detox sequence are integrated.  It is therefore essential to do—and really let go in—this pose.  This is the time for the body to receive, recharge and rejuvenate.  Detox awareness meditation can be practiced while in the relaxation pose, or in any other seated, comfortable meditative position of your choice (cross-legged or not).  Because rest is so important in the detox, it is recommended to practice the meditation lying down for ease and comfort.  For more on 'The South Beach Detox Awareness Meditation' program, refer to 'The South Beach Detox' manual.

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