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Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Need For Detox: 'Detox for a Sexier You'

'Detox for a Sexier You'
 Seattle Balanced Body, by Katherine Branigan, NTP, MSA
There is nothing sexy about bad breath, body odor and skin issues.  Detoxing is the way we can eliminate these.  It  cleans our bodies from the inside out.  It is also the way the body heals itself - an internal cleansing process that takes place continuously. Detoxification is the process of cleaning, nourishing, and resting the body.  That means more energy for play. Detoxification is not a new science. Purification processes have been around for thousands of years.  Techniques to enhance cleansing include fasting, special foods/diet, herbs, water, rest, meditation, exercise, and a variety of bodywork techniques.  Detoxification occurs on many levels.  Physically this process assists the body in clearing congestion, illnesses, and disease potential, while improving energy.  
Emotionally, detoxification processes help uncover feelings, especially hidden frustrations, anger, resentments or fear, each which can cause illness.  While spiritually cleansing, many people experience new clarity and/or an increased awareness about their purpose in life.  
Sometimes we want to both physically and emotionally runaway from life.  At this point most of us need to start with a physical detox, although emotional and spiritual are important components.  It is easier to identify the physical needs and stresses of the body. These stresses affect our ability to handle emotional stress and spiritual growth.  It can seem overwhelming, especially when the boss is on the rampage or even worse multiple co-workers or employees.  The body creates toxins when it is stressed or in polluted environments, like cities.  Are you tired of hearing all the problems with today’s life?  Well the truth is, your body produces toxins no matter what.  They can be from even the healthiest food we eat or cleanest air we breathe.  It is just a part of the way our body 
functions.  A healthy body can do a pretty good job of cleaning itself up.  It has done so for centuries.  The problem is two fold.  First most of us aren’t all that healthy and secondly we have so much exposure to unnatural toxins from man made comforts that we overwhelm our bodies.

So what can we do?  Focusing on a specific area of clean up is easier than attacking the whole thing at once.  I am sure there are areas in your environment that you can clean up; but, let’s focus on what we put in our body’s.  There are chemicals and additives in the food we eat.  The water supply is not the cleanest yet water comprises 60 % of our total body.  Drinking clean water equivalent to at least half our body weight in ounces will do a lot to help with detoxification as well as helping cut down on hunger.  It is common to mistake the need for water, as hunger.  Eating when we truly need water causes many health concerns, including aging.  A part of aging and toxicity is the body not digesting the food we eat and that creates more toxins and speeds aging.  So how do we slow down this aging and toxicity process?

Let me briefly describe how the body cleans itself up so you can understand the importance of the next step.  The physical body cleans things up in two phases.  Phase I detoxification uses enzymes (ex. cytochrome P450) to break down toxins into intermediate, yet often more toxic, metabolites.  At this point, some simple toxins are ready for elimination, such as caffeine.  However, most toxins require a second (phase II) cycle before they are neutralized enough for elimination.  At this stage these intermediate toxins or metabolites are actually more toxic because they are so volatile.  If not eliminated from the body in a timely fashion they can cause more damage than the original toxin.  These metabolites when properly bound are ready for elimination and exit the body through the: 
colon as feces, kidneys as urine, skin as sweat, lungs as carbon dioxide, cardiovascular system via blood, and lymph to be filtered.  If any of these exit paths are slowed or stopped, the body actually can become ill because these toxins are like poison to the body.  Because exercising is one way to help release toxins into the blood stream for elimination, this is why some people after exercising get a sick feeling.  As you can see drinking plenty of water to flush the body is essential for good health.  This is also why dehydration becomes such a serious toxic issue.  70% of the population is chronically dehydrated and don’t even know it.  Exercising to enhance sweating and circulation and increased water intake are two of the simplest ways to assist your body in detoxing.  
Exercising three to five times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes is great.  Other things you can do are: drink less caffeine containing beverages since they are diuretic, stop or cut down on smoking and alcohol consumption and reduce junk food and sugar intake.  
Improving the quality of your meals is a great beginning to the process of body detoxification.

Now let’s take detoxing to the next level.  Every one should make sure their digestion and general bodily functions are open and functioning well before doing an intense cleansing.  If the body is stressed with the daily build up, releasing trapped toxins could make things worse if the elimination channels are not open.  So if you do not have daily bowel movements, take care of that first.  It is a huge detoxification factor.  Only then are you ready to make serious changes in your diet and “clean out”.  Bowel movements can be 
increased through fiber or herbals.  If you have a history of slow transit time, see a health care professional.  This is a serious issue that is often the precursor for many diseases and allergies.

I recommend choosing a time to start detoxing when you can rest if necessary.  Usually a Friday or weekend is a good starting time, as the first couple days can be rough both emotionally and physically depending on your toxicity level.  The best way to start your first deep cleansing is to change your diet for 3-7 days.  Don’t try to fast on your initial detox.  Start by eating only fresh vegetables, fruits and brown rice.  Eat as much as you like.  Don’t go hungry.  You can steam or sauté your veggies.  The rice can be stir fried or steamed.  Use olive oil or flax oil (up to 2 T. daily ), vegetable and Celtic sea salt, vinegar, culinary spices, naturally fermented soy sauce or tamari, for seasoning.  I don’t recommend a fruit juice fast or the famous lemonade diet for a first detox either, 
as they can be very hard on the body.  If you want to use a detox protein powder to help you stabilize your energy, visit your health food store or your nutritional health professional to choose a quality product.  These powders can help you from feeling detox symptoms.  Also if you are on any medications or have other health concerns check with a health care profession to determine if there are any extenuating health concerns.

What are detox symptoms?  Possible reactions fall in three categories:  digestive reactions, such as diarrhea, allergy-type reactions, such as swelling, or rashes, or a healing crisis which is a flare up of the symptoms you are trying to fix.  These all can come on strong and then usually fade as the healing occurs.  This is phase 1 of detoxing, the release accelerated.  The phase 2 then cleans up the complex toxins.  Some common symptoms of phase 1 detox are: headache, fatigue, offensive body odor, hunger, sleep issues, bad breath, itchy skin, irritability, and increased gas.  You can see why a weekend is a good time to start.  Water, light exercise and plenty of rest are essential in supporting the body through this stage.  Taking antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E) can assist clearing toxins and help with headaches.  If your colon shuts down or slows take immediate action to relieve the bowels.  Remember these toxins you are releasing are poisonous to the body and need to be eliminated rapidly.

At this point you may be asking, “Why would I do this to myself?”  Increased energy, vitality and stamina, reduction of allergic symptoms, improved digestion, better concentration, increased sexual performance, mental clarity, sense of calm and ease, resistance to 
illness, slow aging, reduction of many chronic diseases and toxicity are some of the reasons.  So how do you know when enough is enough?  The key, according Dr. Elson Haas, is to individualize your program.  Look at the whole lifestyle picture to determine what you should do and for how long.  If you are unsure start slow and progress.  Some people start simply by making sure there are 12-14 hours of fasting from dinner to breakfast.  Others start by eliminating toxic foods either permanently or for the week prior to the bigger detox.  Once in a deep detox mode, when hunger returns, cleansing is done.

When returning to your normal diet, go slow.  Eat slowly, chew your food well and avoid processed or junk food.  Lifestyle changes are essential to maintain this new cleanliness.  So use this as a time to modify things.  It is better to detox slowly and as a lifestyle rather than hitting the body hard a couple times a year.  If you want to lose weight permanently, detoxing with life style changes is a great place to begin.   As always check with your health care professional before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.

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