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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tips for Detox: What Should You Know About How To Detox Your Body

Detox Your Body The Safe Way
If you are embarking on your first detox diet or program, then you need to know how to do it safely.  Most detoxification procedures that have any merit should give you the adequate information to make your diet one of the largest components of your plan.  While it can be very helpful to supplement your food choices with the right herbs, teas and detox supplements, the key will be in the organic food you eat and the amount of water you drink.
As just mentioned, you should pay particular attention to make sure that your foods are organic.  To the degree that you are trying to eliminate toxins from your body, your choices in food items will make a big impact.  Choosing organic vegetables and fruits is no longer difficult and often very similarly priced.  On the more exotic foods, you may find organic to be a bit pricey, but remember, this is your health you are dealing with.  It just makes sense to go for the cleaner produce – especially when you are hoping to detox your body.
When It Comes To A Cleanse, How Much Should You Drink?
Let’s be clear.  The only thing you should be drinking is water, possible a little fruit juice or what ever type of detox
You can blend up your own smoothies and vegetable drinks.
products you may be using.  Other than this, you should not be consuming any alcohol, pop or soda, or coffee.  While this may be hard on your normal routine, it will benefit your colon in the end.  What you are assisting is your natural body detoxification process.  Water is an essential component to cellular and organ function and health.  Your colon cleansing will be accomplished by the movement of waste through your body.  Water and some light fruit juice combined with the proper foods and supplementation will accomplish this.  The idea is to work with your body in its own natural detox way, don’t try to force something that is not a natural process.  However, you can assist and amplify the results through proper conscious dietary choices.  It’s always funny when I hear critics say “do detox diets really work?”.  They usually have never done one and consider things fast food and smoking or alcohol simple necessities of life.  Don’t get me wrong, enjoying alcohol or a hamburger time to time are fine in moderation.  I do not think anyone can defend smoking in this day and age.
Here is a basic rule of thumb to use for how much water you should be drinking:  divide your body weight in half and drink that much water in ounces, plus one glass.  For example, if you weigh 130 pounds, that would be 65 ounces of water.  There are approximately 8-10 ounces of water in a normal glass.  So, this would be approximately 8 glasses, PLUS one equals 9 glasses of water each day.  You cannot really screw this up, the key is simply to be drinking a very healthy amount each day of your detox.  The same rule could apply if you are simply trying to do a thorough colon cleansing, although the process is quite similar for both.

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