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Monday, October 10, 2011



Two weeks ago our Weekly Blog Post highlighted the major health issues resulting from following a poor diet, using food for emotional purposes, and lacking proper physical exercise. We looked at the growing phenomenon of obesity (overweight) from a mental/ spiritual perspective and analyzed the elements required to attain Permanent Weight Loss from that stand-point. Today, we will explore the physical dimension - specifically exercise,  and identify the most successful strategy for attaining your 'ideal' weight, i.e. one that allows your body and mind to function optimally so you may achieve your highest potential in life.

Following are a few tips on minor changes you can implement in your exercise routine and lifestyle in order to attain those objectives.

1. Start your day with some form of physical exercise. This will increase your metabolism substantially for a better assimilation and elimination of all foods consumed during the day.

2. Include some form of cardiovascular activity into your daily routine. Running is often hard on the bones and joints so you may want to consider other sports such as swimming, power-walking, power yoga (a physically challenging form of yoga), and many others. Getting the blood pumping in your system is essential not only to boost your metabolism but also to maintain a healthy cardiac muscle. Of course, check with your doctor first for any contra-indications related to your current state of health before you start any new exercise regime. 

3. It is a known fact that muscles burn a lot more calories than other cell tissues, especially fat! A pound of muscle can burn anywhere from 30-100 extra calories a day. (That's mainly because muscle tissues need more for repair.) Therefore, the more muscles you build, the more calories you will burn, especially right after working out. While the aim is not for you to build muscles beyond what is both healthy or  sensible for your body, strength training remains incredibly important for losing fat and keeping your body strong and healthy. Power yoga is a form of strength training. In the 15 months since I replaced my regular body building practice with power yoga, I have built more strength and muscles than ever before, and without compromising on my flexibility or making myself more susceptible to injury.

4. Unlike any other form of exercise, the regular practice of yoga - especially when breathing techniques are rigorously applied throughout the sequence, does not only strengthen your muscles but also stretches and fully oxygenates every single muscle in the body. Flowing forms of yoga such as Power Vinyasa target the cardiovascular system but also deeply massage the internal organs, something that is not addressed in other traditional sportive disciplines.

5. Every single scientific study has proven that sports is one the greatest remedies against depression. The release of endorphins in your blood stream gives you a feeling of exhilaration- unmatched by anything except sexual or spiritual enlightenment (for those who have been able to get a taste of good sex or blissful meditation), and immediately uplifts your mood. Since most of our 'modern' eating is emotional in nature, sports is a great way of combatting unhealthy eating habits such as snacking. 

6. As mentioned above, when you enhance your spirit, you won't be as likely to reach out for the pound-packing comfort food. This is even more true with the practice of yoga which not only uplifts your mood but also brings awareness to the root causes for all habits and conditioned responses we usually operate under. Having shed some light on the reasons for any unhappiness or dissatisfaction in your life and having learnt the immense value of acceptance and compassion towards yourself, you will be able to shift your behavior towards a healthier lifestyle.

7. Try to practice some form of physical exercise every single day. Can you imagine not using your brain/ mind for an entire day? (That might actually be a blessing in disguise!) In the old days, most people used to get the necessary exercise for their body through their labor/ work every day, and that's what kept them healthy and strong. Nowadays, we spend most of our day sitting in the same position for hours at a time in a poorly oxygenated and artificially-lighted environment. Our bodies need to move in order to remain healthy and strong. Without healthy bodies, we cannot live the long and enjoyable life we are all entitled to. Bring balance to both your mental and physical side by exercising everyday, even if that means just taking a 20 minute meditative walk a day. That makes all the difference!

8. Breathe deeply all day long, not just when you exercise. Breathing deeply enables the optimum oxygenation of your entire body. This is essential to keeping your body alkaline - a desired state in which disease cannot develop and thrive. Breathing deeply also burns more calories. Adopting a simple yoga practice or learning more advanced breathing techniques will teach you how to optimize your breathing and thereby combat stress and maintain a heightened level of health and wellbeing.

For more on how to effect permanent changes in your life or ways to achieve permanent weight loss and gravitate towards your ideal weight, consider our Holistic Cleansing Programs which cater to all dimensions of your being. Visit us at www.thesouthbeachdetox.com and www.letloverule.us.

To find out more on the physical dimension of permanent weight loss and gravitating towards your ideal weight, tune in next Monday for our weekly "Health & Wellness" blog post covering Food/ Lifestyle for Healthy Weight Management.

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