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Monday, October 24, 2011



Over the past month, my Weekly Blog posts were dedicated to the major health issues resulting from following a poor diet, using food for emotional purposes, and lacking proper physical exercise. Last week, we began exploring dietary suggestions that can help us attain our natural weight and bring us back to health. Today, we will examine the changes in our diet and our eating habits that will keep moving us towards our healthy weight objectives! 

By following a few simple tips and implementing minor changes in your nutritional intake, you will soon find yourself effortlessly moving toward your permanent health & wellness objectives and reach your natural weight.

1. Stay away from processed food! If you're unsure what processed foods are, follow a simple rule; 'Anything that comes in a package and has more than 1 ingredient is essentially processed.' Remember that processed foods  essentially means 'dead' food, i.e. food that has no nutritional value to your body, that is 'empty' calories! To be nutritional, food needs to provide your body with the essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes it needs to survive and thrive.
2. Buy your grains, legumes (rice, oats, barley, beans, lentils, etc.), nuts, and seeds in bulk, if you can. They will be fresher and you will lessen the risk of them having been processed or contaminated in some manner. 
3. Always favor Whole foods! For instance, for all your grains' needs, choose the WHOLE/ BROWN option! That means pick brown rice, whole wheat pasta, hole grain bread, etc, rather than their nutrient-stripped derivative. Stay away from white flour, rice, pasta, etc. Again, those are 'empty calorie' foods that build a compact ball of dough that sits undigested in your stomach and go on to block your colon. Remember, deprived of their husks which acts as roughage to help the process of digestion and elimination (peristalsis), the denatured foods that you eat are no longer filled with vitamins and nutritious qualities and prevent the healthy regular movement of your bowels.
4. Pick the 'No Sugar Added' over 'Sugar Free' alternative in all foods. The first option either has no sugar or uses a healthy alternative to sugar such as natural fruit juices or extracts* or completely natural sweeteners such as Stevia (*which is not the best but a better option for sure). The latter usually contains highly questionable products such as artificial sweeteners that have been linked to some types of cancers. When choosing whole grains breads, tomato sauce, or cereals, pay extra attention as there are currently only about 1 or 2 brands that do not ad any sugar or sugar replacement (such as high fructose syrup or other sugar alternatives) to their original ingredients. They do exist and are a much healthier alternative, so be sure to look for them.
5. Choose Organic over conventional foods, whenever you can. Some foods are more susceptible to collect and retain the pesticides and insecticides used in traditional agriculture than others. Following is a high level list of such foods which you should absolutely eat organic; Baby Food, Strawberries, Rice, Green and Red Bell Peppers, Milk, Corn, Bananas, Green Beans, Apples, Cherries, Celery,  Apricots, Peaches, Grapes, Soybeans, Potatoes, Raisins, and Cucumbers. If you really can't buy these organic foods, make sure to peel the skin off of them and to wash them thoroughly - possibly with an organic fruit & vegetable wash product, thereby removing as much of the pesticides and insecticides residues as possible. 
6. Prefer 'Natural' to fully conventional foods. In no way does 'natural' mean 'organic'. It might be better than conventional altogether as it excludes GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) but it can still be grown using highly undesirable pesticides and insecticides. So only use it as a 'second choice'.
7. Keep to a Raw diet as much as you can, only cooking grains that are just too hard to digest or cannot be easily eaten sprouted. Raw means 'Alive', and since the purpose of eating is to bring Life into the body, that makes for a much more effective process to provide you with optimum nutrition and vitality!  Don't cook what doesn't need to be cooked! You may be used to cooking everything and enjoying that taste of 'cooked' foods right now, but once you switch to raw food, you'll soon notice how much tastier food becomes and how much energy you actually get out of your food! That's real nutrition! Pace yourself when making the switch so that your body's digestive system builds back up and your taste buds get acquainted to new tastes and flavors.
8. Steam, grill or bake! If you are going to eat cooked food, choose one of those 3 healthier alternatives. Also, never cook vegetables for more than a few minutes as heat alters the natural 'chemical' structure of any element, and that is also true with food! As you might have noticed before, when you cook vegetables for more than a few minutes, they soon lose their vibrant colors and therefore their vitamins and minerals!  
9. When boiling food, use a healthy water source (see below) and keep the 'juice' as a refreshing and vitamin-packed drink!
10. Do not use a Microwave to cook or heat up your food! If you are currently using a microwave, you are actually depriving your food of all nutritional value. Think about the level of heat required to get something that usually takes 1h to cook to do it in less than 5-10 minutes. If you are willing to compromise for the sake of convenience, that's fine but just remember that you are just filling up on empty calories when eating microwaved food and that you should therefore add a reliable liquid vitamins & minerals supplement to your daily diet in order to make up for that loss.
 11. Stay away from fried foods as much as possible! Not only has it been cooked and therefore stripped of its nutritional value (vitamins and minerals) but if it's soaking in 'fat', it's not going to be healthy for you liver and your belly (where most of the fat storage occurs), let alone your arteries and your heart. Instead of frying your food, select one of the cooking methods described above. And If you really can't resist fried food, try using just a tablespoon of sesame oil and adding a little water for stir-fries and the likes. Using a little Tamari (a healthier alternative to soy sauce) or Amino Acids (Raw Coconut or Bragg) to which you add a little water also gives a great taste and texture to food cooked in a frying pan. The best oil for heat use remains Extra Virgin Olive Oil (cold-pressed) and Canola Oil.
12. Discontinue the use of salad dressings and oils in your salads wherever you can. Look at oil in a new light; imagine how many sunflower seeds you need to make a whole bottle of sunflower oil and ask yourself if you could actually consume that many seeds without feeling physically sick. Great alternatives to dressings and oils - which afford myriads of health-giving properties of their own, include: crushed avocado, grated mango, apple, or lemon, all kinds of seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, flax, etc.)  If you absolutely need to use oil, favor pure extra virgin olive oil or canola - both of which are rich in monounsaturated fats, the kind that help reduce “unhealthy” LDL cholesterol and boost “healthy” HDL cholesterol.
13. Stay away from Dairy products, if you can help it. Without entering into the controversial debate about milk and dairy and why its over-consumption can be detrimental to your health, it is worth noting that a large number of people are lactose intolerant (and some don't even know it.) Bloating and weight gain have long been associated with the consumption of dairy.  It also has a high level of fat which doesn't help your arteries (heart disease) and causes the formation of mucus in the body, which is associated not only with colds and the likes but with many of the less desirable modern diseases such as cancer. (For more on that, read Dr. T. Colin Campbell's Best Seller, 'The China Study') But If you really feel the need for that morning coffee 'enema', lose the milk!  There are so many healthy alternatives to milk nowadays that you are bound to find your pick. Most of these now come naturally fortified with Vitamins B12 and D as well as Calcium (so that you don't miss out on the good 'things' your body needs to remain strong and healthy). Almond, Rice, and Hemp are amongst the healthiest and best choices, and have the extra advantage of tasting naturally sweet without any added sugar. 
14. Switch to more Alkaline choices for your beverages! Sodas and mineral water are very acidic to the body. Most recently, doctors have even started warning people against using Spring water which minerals contribute to blockages in the arteries. In order to remain healthy, it is important that the body's PH level remains slightly alkaline rather than acidic. Our modern diet tend to make our body acidic, a state in which dis-ease can develop and thrive. Therefore using alkaline beverages such as Kangen water or green tea in place of soft drinks and regular water is a smart move.  Kangen water is known to be the most alkaline water of all and to be highly oxygenated, bringing a large supply of fresh oxygen to the whole body through all-day hydration. Further, Kangen water is renowned for its antioxidant properties which helps prevent and fight cancer.
15. Introduce 'fat-cutting' foods into your daily diet. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (a teaspoon in 8 oz of water, 3 times a day), Papaya, Pineapple, and Grapefruit are all known for their enzymatic content or/ and 'fat-burning' properties. They will break down existing fat storage and prevent more from taking place. DaIly consumption of the first is greatly advised, especially since it also aids fight arthritis and pains and aches in the bones and joints. Small amounts of the one of the others will help greatly with digestion and to break down fat. All around, these are miracle foods to help fight fat! Of course, there are always more but these are great and cheap too!
16. Consider fasting from time to time! Fasting doesn't have to be all the way, i.e. no food! This kind of fast can actually be detrimental to the body if you are not ready for it.  Start slowly based on your current diet and health condition and build it up. If you have a really poor diet or know your body to be highly 'toxic' don't go all the way since you might be causing more harm than good. Whatever you do, drink lots of water all throughout!  Fasting for you could just be cutting out all greasy and processed foods and switching to healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables for a few days. It could also consist in going on a mono-diet, eating one one food at a time for a few days (healthy that is!). If you are a little healthier, it would be having fresh juices and smoothies only for a week or more. And if you are a hardcore and experienced faster, you could go on a 'water' only fast, though I would not recommend this type of fast but rather using a blue-green algae (such as E3LIve) in your water in order to continue to bring a non-invasive yet optimal nutrition to your cells while ripping the benefits of fasting.
17. At this point, providing you with a list of the healthiest foods to eat is beyond the scope of this Weekly Blog post as it requires a separate post of its own (which we'll cover next week). However if you follow the 'live food only' rule, you'll be eating the healthiest food and feeling great all the time. Until next week, 'eat as much fresh, unprocessed foods as possible; that means, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables (the green leafy kinds are packed with vitamins and antioxidants) and freshly sprouted legumes (beans, lentils) and seeds. Miso soup and sea vegetables (algae) should be integrated into any diet to make it most complete and healthful!  And keep drinking the most healthful beverages you can find (Kangen water, E3Live, Green Tea, Raw Coconut Water should be top on your list!)

For more on how to effect permanent changes in your life or ways to achieve permanent weight loss and gravitate towards your ideal weight, consider our Holistic Cleansing Programs which cater to all dimensions of your being. Visit us at www.thesouthbeachdetox.com and www.letloverule.us.

Next week tune in for our weekly "Health & Wellness" blog post covering the final addition to our Special on 'Food/ Lifestyle for Healthy Weight Management'. This last article will feature all the great foods that should be incorporated into our daily diet in order to balance both body and mind, keep healthy, and attain permanent weight loss objectives (or simply achieve our 'ideal' weight). 

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