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Monday, October 3, 2011


Tune in next week for my regular Weekly Blog Post! We'll talk about Physical Exercise and how you can boost your metabolism and incorporate the most useful forms of exercise to attain your ideal weight! Today's Special Blog Post is dedicated to a remarkable new book that will bring new meaning to the concept of HEALING THROUGH SOUND!

Following is my personal view on the role sound/music plays in developing and supporting health and harmony both at the micro and macro levels of our existence. In this extremely timely publication, ‘Healing At The Speed of Sound’, Alex Doman and Don Campbell provide us with invaluable tools and techniques to help us achieve those personal and global goals.

Short Review

“‘Healing At The Speed of Sound’ is a remarkable book that will, no doubt, change your life for the better. It is amazing both in its versatility and its ability to present intricate knowledge and facts in all simplicity, making it accessible to all public. It is a book that primarily aims to the betterment of human life and personal experience. Unlike didactic titles or theoretical treatise, it offers practical solutions that can help anybody improve their soundscape based on their own personal preferences. This is a book that gives you all the tools you need to recreate yourself sonically so that you may live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life and reach your highest potential on alI levels.”

More on Sound & Alex Doman

Sound and Music have a power beyond what our conscious mind can comprehend and the book, "Healing At The Speed Of Sound" has the power to teach you how to unlock it. Moreover, this is an extremely hands-on book full of practical advice on how to use sound to
improve your everyday life.

Ever since I was a kid, I was in love with Music. I never knew why I loved Music so much but I clearly remember spending countless hours listening to it. Sometimes it'd make me happy, sometimes it'd make me sad. No matter what feeling, emotion, memory it stirred or amplified, it was always there 'conducting the symphony of my life'. To this day, I can listen to a piece of Music and taste a certain food, smell a certain scent, or even remember with remarkable accuracy the passage of book I was reading when I first heard the composition. Every time this happens, I am reminded of the magic of Music and I can't help but smile. And as I do, I remember once more that, 'We are Music'. Every single one of our cells and every other object in the Universe - whether animate or not, is a vibration. As such it emits a sound - sometimes audible to the human ear, sometimes only to other creatures; a sound that forms part of the Universal symphony we are constantly soaking in, one that continuously affects both our physical and mental make-up. That's the power of Sound, the power of Music! And if it can alter your molecular structure, it can change your life too!

That's something I intuited years ago, before I could even put it into words, something I felt deep within the recesses of my soul. That's what brought me to start reading about Sound and Music Therapy and to research ways in which I could integrate them into my daily life first and then into my healing practice as a Yoga Therapist. On my quest, I was lucky enough to meet people like Alex Doman, co-author of "Healing At The Speed of Sound", who was then facilitating a training course on Music Therapy. I had heard about The Listening Program (TLP), a revolutionary music listening therapy program which has since helped millions of people improve their life and performance in so many ways, and I was eager to meet its pioneer creator, Alex. Advanced Brain Technology, the company owned by Alex Doman and responsible for developing this Music Listening Therapy Program, TLP, has since received numerous awards and recognition for its contributions in transforming the life of people from all backgrounds. Its aspirations are as noble as its owners, ‘to make sound brain fitness universally attainable’.

Alex Doman's genius and commitment to improving the lives of others are both impressive and inspiring. I feel blessed to have had the chance to train with Alex and to have learned so much from him and the myriad of outstanding music-based tools he has made available to the general public. More than 8 years after first attending the TLP training, I still use the 'Music Therapy' products both for myself and my clients, and I share the knowledge I have gained through them with all my friends and family. I am especially fond of their Sound Health and Music for Babies Series and have benefited so much from doing the TLP. I have yet to find more time to implement some of their other powerful products and tools to continue to enhance my daily life.

I hope that the knowledge I shared with you today will inspire you to read this compelling title, "Healing At The Speed Of Sound", written by a no less extraordinary individual committed to the betterment of human life and experience. And if that wasn't enough,the book is co- authored by internationally acclaimed author of 'The Mozart Effect', Don Campbell. I promise you, you won't regret it!

To find this book, visit http://www.healingatthespeedofsound.com/
authored by internationally acclaimed author of 'The Mozart Effect', Don Campbell. I promise you, you won't regret it!

To find this book, visit http://www.healingatthespeedofsound.com/
For more on ABT and Alex Doman, please be sure to visithttp://www.advancedbrain.com/

To like their new facebook page, click on the link below;

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